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New Normal

• Greg Boyd

This weekend we discussed how God’s voice gets drowned out by the background noise of our day-to-day lives, and also about how once we tune into God’s voice, we find that the kingdom of God is defined by the love of the “other.” wh-bug

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Topics: Discipleship, Imagination

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5 thoughts on “New Normal

  1. Teresa says:

    Whaaaaat? I knew knew knew you would end up here Greg. Beautiful. ❤️🔥🙌 Now watch what God will do!!! 1 Corinthians 12:22, Romans 8:19, John 17:20-23, 1 Corinthians 1:27, john 21:17

  2. Teresa says:

    One more
    Luke 10:38-42 🙌

  3. Ohene says:

    Amazing sermon. The new normal is absolutely the gospel. Hallelujah!

  4. LINDY says:

    I have been need this sermon for a very long time, since the bottom fell out of my life of legalism, [now thankful for that] 10 years ago. I attended WHChurch from 5/2008 – 8/2009 and today I was compelled to listen to what Greg was preaching. WALAH!! I have been seeing this so clearly about the flesh and just this past week, The Spirit spoke to me about my natural responses and how my flesh is stirred when my comfort zone (s) are bumped. My oh my!!! I saw it!!!
    Greg, you laid it all bare…like a capstone of confirmation. Thank you so much.♥♥♥

    1. Paige Slighter says:

      Lindy, we’re so glad you were encouraged by the message.
      _Paige from the Communications Team

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