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Show Me Where It Hurts.

• Sandra Unger

Today Sandra shared with us a real-life example of her brother’s story, and what to do, and what not to do, when confronted by someone else’s discouragement.  wh-bug

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Topics: Fear, Hope, Pain & Suffering, Relationships

Sermon Series: Take Heart.

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6 thoughts on “Show Me Where It Hurts.

  1. Ken says:

    I appreciated Sandra’s message. Using her brother as an illustration was profound and extremely helpful. Looking at the person, acknowledging their pain, and suspending judgment was extremely helpful . When my wife died after 28 years of marriage the people who most ministered to me did those three things and I found there reaching out to me very liberating. I look forward to more messages in this series. God bless

    1. Ken says:

      Very powerful message. I forgot to check the box notify me with additional comments. I’m Ken Revell

  2. Polly says:

    I was very moved by your sermon, Sandra. It spoke to me on many levels and will stay with me when called on to show up and show love. Life presents so many situations where “get well soon” doesn’t cover it and I was thankful for the chance to look this need straight in the eye. Also, I hesitate to offer this, because suggesting “have you tried x?” is often NOT helplful, but I recently came across this video of a specific doctor, complex regional pain disorder, and the results of neuroacupuncture (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwg97uxX9MQ). It took me a bit to realize where I had come across that term before I realized it was your sermon and your brother. I’m offering it just in case it is a connection that your sermon was meant to make. Regardless of whether it is relevant or helpful to your brother, know that we are praying for your family and sending our best your way.

  3. Ken says:

    Polly well said, get well soon doesn’t cover it”.

  4. Donna says:

    Sandra thanks so much to you and your family for using such a vulnerable story for our growth, that is quite a gift. I’ll be honored to pray for Gerry, his family, your mom, and your family.

  5. kathy dunn says:

    Amazing, cannot say enough amazings about this teaching, thank you Sandra!

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