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Singing to God

• Greg Boyd

The 24 elders in the throne room who sing praises to God show us that corporate worship is a distinctive feature of God’s people. Why is this important? What does this mean when corporate singing is uncommon outside of the church? Greg addresses these questions and provides practical guidance for ways that praising God can become a central part of our relationship with God. wh-bug

Show Extended Summary

Topics: Presence of God, Trinity, Worship

Sermon Series: Good Heavens!

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The MuseCast: July 23

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3 thoughts on “Singing to God

  1. Joann says:

    I still think that singing is twice prayers

    1. Christine says:

      Hello Joann,
      As a Shape Note Singer, also called Fasola and Sacred Harp singer I wholeheartedly agree.
      If you have not heard of this kind of communal singing, see http://www.mnfasola.org and click on LISTEN, to hear a sampling of psalms and songs in that authentic American tradition, and also the schedule of local singings and events.

  2. Lorie says:

    After Covid, I lost my voice for a while. I never realized how much I used to enjoy singing. This was when Covid first came out. Anyway, I also want to say that I loved the sermon. I actually was driving home listening to it today I’m a little behind getting caught up, and I actually Loved hearing Greg sing, and I ended up singing myself. I used to sing when I was a little kid make up all these songs to God so it was very refreshing to revisit that again and I want to make that at least every other day or weekly practice. I am glad that I heard the sermon because I wasn’t sure what to make of this whole section or passage so I think Greg you really nailed it

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