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Some Dance to Remember, Some Dance to Forget

• Thorsten Moritz

Thorsten Moritz, a Bethel Seminary professor, opened with this challenging question: “Are we prepared to live ‘creationally’ (in tune with the Creator) in a world of idolatry?” Focusing primarily on child adoption throughout the message, Moritz wondered if the abandonment of the world’s waiting orphans experience is the result of this idolatry. It reveals, he argued, that people are operating with the wrong priorities. How prepared are we to be the primary tool of God’s recovery of this fallen creation? Just as God adopted us, shouldn’t we (biblically) adopt others? wh-bug

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Topics: Parenting, Sacrifice

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"Just a note of thanks. I came across the site, having heard Greg speak in Ireland many moons ago. The church here is a bit jaded, we have found. Groupthink, lack of going deep, fear, perhaps, of facing tough questions. [WH has] great sermons, and not just from Greg. Real food for a somewhat undernourished Irish Christian. Keep it up! Ian from Ireland"

– Ian, from Ireland