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Spiritual Gifts, Part 1

• Greg Boyd

Supernatural gifts have been given to each and every member of the Body of Christ for the purpose of building up the church. These gifts are given to all believers regardless of where they are in their Christian walk.

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Supernatural gifts have been given to each and every member of the Body of Christ, for the purpose of building up the church. These gifts are given to all believers regardless of where they are in their Christian walk.

For much of church history, the “religious professionals” have been the ones to use the gifts while the rest of the body remained inactive. The Bible makes it clear that every believer is to use their own gifts in whatever ministry God has intended for them.

When Christ arose victorious from the grave, he took the demonic spirits captive. Then, he took their supernatural powers and gave those powers to us (the Body of Christ). Whatever power Satan once had to use against us, we now have to use against him. We have the power, they don’t. This is why Christians in the Bible are never portrayed as being fearful in the face of evil.

The only way that the enemy can trip us up now is by deceiving us, by telling us that we don’t really have the power. The way to overcome this lie is to use our gifts actively. As an athlete exercises to build up his or her body, so we can build up spiritual lives by “exercising” our gifts in ministry.

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