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Subverting the Subversion

• Greg Boyd

The Devil has historically used a 1-2 punch to fight God. He usually starts by trying to snuff out the Kingdom of God, and if that doesn’t work, he tries to normalize the Kingdom of God. This normalization leads to a watered-down and mundane version of the Kingdom. God calls us to seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness. wh-bug

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Topics: Identity in Christ, Kingdom of God, Satan

Sermon Series: Subversive Christmas

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3 thoughts on “Subverting the Subversion

  1. Erin says:

    Great sermon series. What really stood out to me was when Greg said, “if Satan can’t snuff it out he normalizes it.” There is nothing normal about our savior, nothing normal about the way he lived – we are called to be abnormal!!! Love it!

  2. BlindPoet says:

    I really appreciate that someone lent me your book Repenting of Religion. That has lead me on a whole journey finding discussion on things that have so grated and made me angry and disillusioned with church and superspirituality and what God is supposedly doing in the world today by His Spirit. In you I have found not someone who is always right, or a guru, or a name to follow, in you i have found someone who has thought and who makes sense, and whom I believe is not living behind a cardboard cut out before God and the community. You are an oasis of hope, and in loving God with my mind I find water at this well. Because I sense that Jesus is there, and you love Him and the life He calls us to. that counter culture, counter norm life. Yet I know many who would say that all the signs and wonders, and the gold dust and the glory of God descending and being visible with the laughter, and the falling over is counter the normal life. I make it my ambition Paul said, or one of them…..to live a quiet life and work with my hands…………….that inspires me and in that living of a quiet and seemingly normal life…….I will in reality be so un-normal and inside my home people will find love and acceptance, outrageous love and welcome…….because of the Christ I love and His Spirit in me………….without growing legs out. Thanks for your thinking and prayer and all the grief that comes from the rejection you probably get from not going mainstream with the drug of faith.

    Graham Hughes | New Zealand

  3. Greg talked about how persecution might be good by the church. It does seem like something similar happened to the church like when Constantine made everyone become Christians. We have lost our salt.

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