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Summer Q&A, Part 2

• Greg Boyd, Paul Eddy

During our weekend services on August 11-12 we hosted Q&A sessions with Greg Boyd, our Senior Pastor, and Paul Eddy, our Teaching Pastor. If you’d like to listen to all the questions, note that there are separate downloads for the three different services. [This is the recording of the 11:00 Sunday service.]

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  1. Paul, does God have a sense of humor and is there any evidence to support this?
  2. How do you support our troops and practice patriotism if you are convicted by the wars and violence that is taking place?How do you support our troops and practice patriotism if you are convicted by the wars and violence that are taking place?
  3. Did Adam and Eve have belly buttons?
  4. Why pray and ask God for help if he won’t interfere with our free will? How can we be blessed by God if he won’t interfere with our free will?
  5. Are house churches truly a part of God’s vision for WH? Does it fit with us being a bridge? Or is that just the vision of the Meeting House that we’ve adopted?
  6. Greg, you said that when we interpret Jeremiah’s picture of God “smashing parents and children together” through the cross, we can see that God didn’t actually DO this, but that he merely allowed humans to do it. Is that what Jeremiah would have thought?
  7. What is your personal opinion on whether people should be cremated or given a regular burial? Does our church hold a stance on this?
  8. In Romans, what does the Apostle Paul when he says that Pharaoh was created for wrath?
  9. Greg, how was your walk with God tested when raising your son with a disability? Do you have any verses/words of faith that would help others in the same situation?
  10. If we shouldn’t be focused on our behaviors or practices as getting us closer to God, what is the place of spiritual disciplines? Is character building a false concept?
  11. In the story of the prodigal son, I feel more like the older brother than the younger son. Are there any passages or pictures from the Bible that show God’s love for me as much as the younger son?
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2 thoughts on “Summer Q&A, Part 2

  1. Scott Schneider says:

    Simple thought on NT interpretation through Christ and the cross…Paul was the foremost authority on “OT” and he did not originally interpret the OT through Christ, duh, right?. But when he met Christ and accepted the cross and Christ as God, he totally saw the OT differently and he saw the OT through Christ and the cross. It changed his lens of the OT.

  2. Jered Boley says:

    I’m a little confused. I thought according to scholars Greg has recommended (such as Gordon Fee) that a Bible vs can only mean what it originally meant. The only time Fee says there can be additional or fuller meaning is in the case of prophecy with careful controls. Maybe I am mistaken but I thought Greg is now saying that is a fairly new understanding of interpretation and that throughout church history, there was more of an open understanding of interpretation with more than one meaning of a text. Or did he just mean with some O.T. verses??

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