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Tell me the Truth (1994)

• Greg Boyd

Often today, Christians attempt to witness to non-believers out of a sense of obligation and guilt. If the power of the Holy Spirit is not behind that witnessing, however, those attempts will be largely futile. As much of the church today is unhealthy, so also the church’s attempts at witnessing are often unhealthy.

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Often today, Christians attempt to witness to non-believers out of a sense of obligation and guilt. If the power of the Holy Spirit is not behind that witnessing, however, those attempts will be largely futile. As much of the church today is unhealthy, so also the church’s attempts at witnessing are often unhealthy.

When a church is healthy (as was the church in Acts 2), it will naturally have the power of the Spirit present, and therefore be a witness to non-believers. A healthy body naturally grows. So does a healthy church.

In the large assembly, non-believers can see Christians intoxicated with the Spirit of God; they sense the power there and are drawn to it. God-intoxicated worship is one of the best witnesses of all. In the small groups, when we show our genuine love for one another, we are witnessing.

Only by seeking to be a healthy, Spirit-filled community can we grow the way the early church did (Acts 2:41). Witnessing is something that comes naturally when we are filled with and lead by the Holy Spirit.

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Focus Scripture:

  • Acts 2:41

    Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day.

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