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The Physics of Faith

• Emily Morrison

In this sermon, Emily Morrison looks at what happens right after Jesus feeds the 5000 to point out the importance of raising questions about our faith. She offers an explanation of three phases of our faith journey that allow us to embrace the questions and find a way through them by ultimately bringing them to Jesus wh-bug

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Topics: Defense of Christian Faith, Faith

Sermon Series: Unraveling Truth

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5 thoughts on “The Physics of Faith

  1. Jerry says:

    Emily powerful sermon! Thank you much!!!

    This touched me deeply.

    The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, stating that it is not possible to measure both the momentum and position of a particle simultaneously, is the core foundation for our moment-by-moment perceptions of the material universe as it unravels from waves of (photons, protons, electrons, neutrons, and neutrinos) as they interact via the four fundamental forces (gravity, electromagnetic, strong nuclear force, and weak nuclear force).

    With all that coming with uncertainty what other hope can we possibly have than to yoke with/follow Jesus as the ONLY truth, life, and way to the Father who has the ONLY good and perfect will, the ONLY way forward, a narrow path amidst the broad road of uncertainty?

    1. Emily says:

      Thanks very much, Jerry!

  2. maria says:

    What an outstanding sermon! I found myself agreeing and agreeing all the way through. This sermon really struck a chord in my heart in a beautiful and loving way. Thank you, Emily!

    1. Emily says:

      Thank you, Maria — encouraging to hear that!

  3. Maria says:

    Let’s plan to have lunch in heaven. See you then!

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