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The Real Proof

• Greg Boyd

What is the real evidence of a disciple of Jesus? Too often today we are told that followers of Christ are marked by success, happiness and power. However, the Bible points to a different evidence, that of love that comes under others and serves. wh-bug

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Topics: Discipleship, Faithfulness, Non-Violence, Politics

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6 thoughts on “The Real Proof

  1. Lindy Combs says:

    This sermon is quite a wake-up call. Pastor Greg truly nailed it.

  2. Anita Avers says:

    I treasure Greg’s grasp and articulation of the kingdom of Christ However, as a therapist, I see how often “service” to others is driven by co-dependent, enabling presures that create chaos and injuries. In this sermon, Greg made passing mention of the importance of accountability. This speaks to the balance of emotional healthy spirituality for effective service. Without this balance, I find people compromise truth for mercy or compromise mercy for truth. I think including these distinctions, when presenting a powerful message motivating service is only responsible.

  3. Vince Jacobs says:

    Another great Sermon – they just keep coming.

    A major challenge we have as Christians is divorcing our commitment to Christ versus our political views. The only way is to become wholly ‘a-political’ that is to say, totally disengaged from the political debate. Any softening on that principal draws you away from Christ like behaviour and into the arms of ‘power over’ politics.

  4. Lilly Green says:

    A challenging sermon, but how does this apply practically to those who feel called to serve in the political arena? And how far does servant response take a family or a nation when security and even life is threatened?

  5. Hey Lilly — great questions. I think different people at Woodland would have different perspectives on both those questions, and I don’t think there are any easy answers. Greg’s written about them on his personal ministry web site though; check them out if you’re interested:



  6. Nicole says:

    It’s so easy to be in your head instead of in your heart. Yes, I mean exclusively – being in both at the same time is the ideal. How many do that, I wonder? Still, it’s easier to be in your head than in your heart, imho. (This is in response to previous messages, not to the sermon.)

    Good point, Vince! You stop thinking in political terms and find a Jesus perspective.

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"Just a note of thanks. I came across the site, having heard Greg speak in Ireland many moons ago. The church here is a bit jaded, we have found. Groupthink, lack of going deep, fear, perhaps, of facing tough questions. [WH has] great sermons, and not just from Greg. Real food for a somewhat undernourished Irish Christian. Keep it up! Ian from Ireland"

– Ian, from Ireland