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War and Peace

• Greg Boyd

In this first message of the Flesh and Blood series, Greg dives in to relational conflict by properly defining kingdom peace and kingdom war. We live in a fallen creation whose inhabitants too often reflect the ideals of the enemy rather than participating in the triune God’s invitation to reflect His perfect love to each other. The principalities and powers play us off one another creating human enemies, but in reality the battle is not against flesh and blood. We were created to fight and protect, just not against each other. wh-bug

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Topics: Conflict, Non-Violence, Spiritual Warfare

Sermon Series: Flesh and Blood

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One thought on “War and Peace

  1. Peter Brock says:

    Kudos & Hurrahs !

    Not many in the religious wilderness with the guts and hearts to speak or HEAR this message against the Arche/Archon “roar of the greasepaint and smell of the crowd”…

    Trusting for more sword-thrust of TRUTH in this waning season of “cheap church”…

    Viva la revolucion ! y los compañeros de fe !

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