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Flesh and Blood

May 22 2016 • Greg Boyd, Seth McCoy

Jesus taught his earliest followers that peace was such a treasure that it should be worked for and nurtured wherever and whenever it is absent. We see and mourn the effects of the absence of peace in our global village, local communities, and in our own circles of relationships. For 4 weeks we will listen to the King of Peace and his vision, his example, and his instruction for conflict transformation.

Sermons in this series:

Race Matters Q&A

• Dennis Edwards, Greg Boyd

We held a Q&A night to wrap up our Flesh and Blood sermon series. In the final sermon of that series we examined how racial reconciliation is a vital part of the gospel message. To further discuss this we asked Dennis Edwards, the Senior Pastor of Sanctuary Covenant Church, to join Greg for this Q&A on a Jesus-way of addressing racial issues within the church. Individual questions can be found below, under Downloads & Resources, on the YouTube playlist.

Topics: Controversial Issues, Politics, Poverty, Reconciliation

Tearing Down The Tower

• Greg Boyd, Paul Eddy

In this, the final part of the Flesh & Blood series, we examine how racial reconciliation is a vital part of the gospel message. To be a Jesus-follower is to be one who seeks peace-making and is always striving towards reconciliation. We discover that we are only able to achieve reconciliation to the degree that we are willing to learn about perspectives that differ from our own.

Topics: Community, Kingdom of God, Reconciliation

Life Without Walls

• Seth McCoy

In this, the third message in our Flesh and Blood series, we focus on Jacob's story in Genesis. His story is a great illustration of how we build walls inside ourselves, and it brings to light who we are really protecting ourselves from.

Topics: Conflict, Forgiveness, Relationships

When Conflict Burns

• Seth McCoy

In this second message of the Flesh and Blood series, Seth describes the unceasing realities of conflict not only in the world in which we live, but also in our own lives; our own relationships, and our own hearts. Walls of conflict exist all around us, and those walls are torn down because one man chose to die. Through Christ’s death, the walls of conflict and separation are torn down. As the head of the church (that is Christ) leads the body (that is the church), the conflicts that divide the world are torn down and truth, justice, mercy and peace become embodied.

Topics: Conflict, Kingdom of God, Reconciliation, Spiritual Warfare

War and Peace

• Greg Boyd

In this first message of the Flesh and Blood series, Greg dives in to relational conflict by properly defining kingdom peace and kingdom war. We live in a fallen creation whose inhabitants too often reflect the ideals of the enemy rather than participating in the triune God’s invitation to reflect His perfect love to each other. The principalities and powers play us off one another creating human enemies, but in reality the battle is not against flesh and blood. We were created to fight and protect, just not against each other.

Topics: Conflict, Non-Violence, Spiritual Warfare


"My almost-three-year-old asks every day if we can go to church. Thank you, Woodland Hills, and all the Heroes Gate volunteers for creating such a great environment for kids. My husband and I met at WH six years ago and now our son counts down the days until we get to go again. My heart could burst."

– Lindsey