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When Surprise Shows Up

• Greg Boyd

So why DO bad things happen to good people?! What IS God’s plan for overcoming evil, and why does it so often seem like evil is still winning?! Yes, God does have the power to take anything that Satan intends for evil and to work it to bring about good, but this is not work that God intends to do alone. He “comes alongside” us to “work all things for good”, but this is a process that requires OUR cooperation! wh-bug

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Topics: Faithfulness, God's Will, Power, Spiritual Warfare

Sermon Series: Formed

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3 thoughts on “When Surprise Shows Up

  1. Peter says:

    In Revelation we find the following verses (6:3-4),

    “When he opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, “Come!” And out came another horse, bright red. Its rider was permitted to take peace from the earth, so that people should slay one another, and he was given a great sword.”

    While some may be of the view that these aspects of Revelation are for the future, others are of the view that these prophecies have been and are occurring now.

    The feature of these verses is that total world peace is not going to be present until the second coming, regardless of what the politicians, idealists or any ‘prophets’ of this age may say. Of course, peace is not limited to nations but could be as close as your next door neighbour.

    Greg gave us a number of examples (viz. of the issues of life forming us) including his own personal life of which many could similarly relate, for better or worse.

    Nonetheless the issue that Greg brought out is that our neighbour (good or bad) was created in the image of God like ourselves and that we are told to pray for our enemies as Jesus did, when he was experiencing rejection and hatred during His crucifixion, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” (Lk 23:34).

    With this in mind and the issues that have recently occurred in France, while Greg’s prayer at the beginning of the message was the ‘go to’ prayer for those who have undergone great suffering….and there is absolutely nothing wrong with this….few people, if any, pray publicly for the enemy (as Jesus did), as it is God working in these situations whether it be for nations, neighbours, siblings or spouses that brings about changes to our self and others (as evidenced by Greg’s example of ‘Sue’), that leads to peace and positive formation of ‘self’.

    There are no doubt a number of reasons why we may feel uncomfortable with praying for the enemy (especially in public)…..but this is probably ‘old self’ based and we can but follow the example of Jesus, and what scripture tells us, and allow God’s love through us to reach out in these challenging situations.

  2. kathy d says:

    Completely excellent description of being transformed by the Hand of, and wisdom of our wonderful God….. Thank you Greg. This message is truly a blessing. Praise God.

  3. David Saleeba says:

    Is it possible that even with the NLT and NASB, which translate Romans 8:28 as mentioned in the sermon, the synergeo meaning can still be drawn from their English rendering?

    What I mean is, instead of focusing on “causes” as a negative, we would focus on the “together” a few words later? I think it’s the mindset/worldview that influences our processing of the translation in some instances.

    I’d love to hear some thoughts on that.

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