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When You Fast

• Dan Kent

What is fasting? Why should we do it? What does Jesus say about fasting? In this sermon, Dan Kent explores these questions, and wrestles with the practical implications of fasting in our world that is overcome by the pursuit of pleasure. wh-bug

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Topics: Disciplines

Sermon Series: Sermon on the Mount, Getting Real

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4 thoughts on “When You Fast

  1. Kevin says:

    Right on Brother Dan! You nailed it.
    I’ve decided that, for me, it is best to eat in order to fuel my body and to eat the healthiest fuel possible……..and if the fuel happens to to taste good? then that’s just a small bonus blessing.
    Eat for fuel and Not for pleasure!

    1. Dan says:

      Yes! Good way to look at it Kevin.

  2. Connie says:

    I just wanted to say that your sermon was really good in my opinion. Exactly what I thought on a lot of points. I think many ppl cease to cook because the simple meal isnt appealing if you’re used to eating out…etc.

    1. Dan says:

      Thanks Connie!

      Yes, we’ve bored ourselves out of eating normal food at home.

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