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Course Corrections

Sep 24 2017 • Bruxy Cavey, David Morrow, Greg Boyd, Sandra Unger

We’re all headed somewhere. And with each daily decision, our lives reflect the choices that we’ve made. Our decisions solidify our character, and our character shapes our life’s destiny. During our Course Corrections sermon series, we’ll take a look at how we make decisions every day about things like relationships, money, social media and entertainment. Each of these daily decisions can seem small, but how we respond can help us become the people of God that we all hope for.

Sermons in this series:

Small Green Pieces of Paper

• Sandra Unger

Dr. Sandra Unger joins us this week to unpack the ways God can use course corrections around our relationship to money and finances, to bring greater joy and hope. Spiritual disciplines like simplicity and generosity help us to humble ourselves before God and ask for His help in having a kingdom relationship to money and resources.

Topics: Discipleship, Generosity, Money


• David Morrow

We continue our Course Corrections series by looking at small changes we can make in our life now, that have the potential for large scale shifts if followed out in the future. In this message David Morrow shares how the areas of leisure, entertainment, and social media can affect our Kingdom journey and what changes we might make now to ensure we don’t become slaves to their influence.

Topics: Disciplines, Imagination, Kingdom of God

Your Map Is Not The Territory

• Greg Boyd

Today's sermon focuses on a strategy from Philippians 2:3-8 that demonstrates a kingdom way to engage with other people during conflict: remembering that our "map" (our brain's interpretation of sensory input) is an incomplete representation of reality, and to step into and seek to understand the other person's "map".

Topics: Conflict, Humility, Politics, Relationships

The Secret

• Greg Boyd

Most Americans define themselves as distinctly unhappy. Why is that and what can be done about it? Is there really a “secret" to happiness? This week in our series Course Corrections, Greg explores one small tweak that may have the biggest impact in our lives – gratitude.

Topics: Disciplines, Gratitude, Joy, Transformation

The Adventure of the Call

• Greg Boyd

Like a GPS, sometimes the Holy Spirit redirects our path to bring greater adventure and blessing. In celebration of Woodland Hills’ 25th anniversary Greg explores the ways the Holy Spirit has redirected the path of Woodland Hills, and what course correction means for followers of Christ.

Topics: Calling, Holy Spirit


"So many thanks for your wonderful messages and all you give to the world around you. I'm retired in Ecuador with no churches so really appreciate your online presence. So many Christians discourage questions, so this is refreshing, as are the Q&A sessions."

– Gretchen