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Jan 08 2017 • David Morrow, Greg Boyd

We are entrusted with time, talents, and money, and it’s critical that we use them wisely. In the Kingdom of God, we all have the responsibility to be intentional, generous, gracious and trusting with these precious resources. They’re the means we have to achieve our mission to love and serve the world!

Sermons in this series:

Time: Spend it Well

• David Morrow

Sometimes time doesn’t feel like such a gift. In fact if we’re not living in right relatedness with how God intended us to function, it can feel much more like a burden. Throughout history technology innovations have made false promises about giving more time back to their users, but in fact we have as many distractions as ever to keep us from living the simple, undistracted, others oriented life God calls us to. In this message we explore what can be done to take back control of how we’re living our life and spending our time so we don’t fall in to temptations that lead to getting our life from how busy we are.

Topics: Disciplines, Faithfulness, Kingdom of God

Treasure: Spend it Well

• Greg Boyd

God lovingly entrusts us with money, possessions, and resources. As followers of Christ we are called to surrender all our gifts to the Lordship of Christ. Because God is an other-oriented God who lovingly pours out blessings, and we are made in His image, then we too should be people who use our resources to bless others.

Topics: Blessings, Generosity, Money


"I was incredibly blessed by everyone who came out to the clean-up event to serve neighborhood seniors. It literally brought me to tears knowing that there are amazing people out there restoring my hope in what it means to love and serve each other."

– Merrick Community Services staff member