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Feb 18 2018 • Greg Boyd, Shawna Boren

When we’re confident, we say we’re sure. When we sort of agree we say, “Yeah… sure.” When faced with the various worldviews and opinions in our society about spirituality and faith, many people say, “Sure. If it works for you, that’s great.” 

But Jesus says he’s the only Truth. How can we hold that conviction in our culture of tolerance? How can we navigate the maze of truth with humility and confidence? Join us as we learn how to live at peace in a culture of ambiguity, and maintain a faith we can be sure of.

Sermons in this series:

Why The Bible?

• Greg Boyd

In Week 5 of our “Sure.” series (where we are honestly wrestling with challenges that our post-modern, post Christian, pluralistic culture presents to our faith), Greg addresses the (apparent) imperfections, errors, and contradictions in the Bible, and shows that they don’t distract from it being God-breathed… but contribute to it.

Topics: Controversial Issues, Defense of Christian Faith, Discipleship, Faith

Why God?

• Greg Boyd

Today we answer the question of why believe in God? Is this like believing in the Easter Bunny? Isn't it illogical and improbable that there would be a personal being out there who created everything and loves the world and every living creature? Our answer: No! When you look at the facts, it's actually MORE logical that the above is true than not.

Topics: Defense of Christian Faith, Faith

Why Jesus?

• Greg Boyd

In this third chapter of our Sure. series we come to Jesus. Who is He? How do we know what we know about Him? Why do we believe it to be true? What are the critiques of the Christian belief in Jesus as a historical figure and what are the rational arguments in favor of the orthodox view of Jesus as Lord? In this message Greg explores these questions and others while explaining what it means to “give the reason for the hope that you have”.

Topics: Defense of Christian Faith, Kingdom of God, Salvation

What is Faith?

• Shawna Boren

What is faith? In what should our faith be anchored? Does our faith stand upon the various church doctrines and dogmas? In this sermon Shawna explores the meaning of faith, that the root which grounds our faith is not our belief system, but the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ crucified is the cornerstone of our faith. What is faith? In what should our faith be anchored? Does our faith stand upon the various church doctrines and dogmas? In this sermon Shawna explores the meaning of faith, that the root which grounds our faith is not our belief system, but the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ crucified is the cornerstone of our faith.

Topics: Defense of Christian Faith

What is Truth?

• Greg Boyd

In the first sermon in our 'Sure.' series, Greg examines the nature of truth. Is all truth subjective? Is all morality relative? In western culture a premium is placed on tolerance. Greg explains the history of this movement and ultimately how it squares with the teachings of Christ.

Topics: Defense of Christian Faith


"It's been so supportive to have a journey group leader since 7th grade that I have made a lasting relationship with for 6 years. She has helped me grow in my faith and has been there to check in!"

– Laura, high school student