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When God Shows Up

Dec 01 2018 • Greg Boyd, Shane Claiborne

In this six-week Christmas sermon series, we focus on the way God entered a messy world so that he could enter into our messy lives. We will explore how he showed up unexpectedly in the form of a child, and how he continues to manifest himself in unexpected ways at unexpected times. At this time of year, we remember how God’s intimate involvement in our world and in our lives changes everything.

Sermons in this series:

After God Shows Up

• Greg Boyd

Our life is made of seasons. We ebb and flow in different disciplines and commitments. In this final message of 2018, and in preparation to start the new year, Greg walks us through three important questions: 1. What does the Lord want me to retain & renew? 2. What does the Lord want me to let go of? And 3. What does the Lord want me to add to my life that wasn’t there before?

Topics: Disciplines, Imagination, Kingdom of God, Prayer

The Child Shows Up

• Greg Boyd

In this year's Christmas Eve service, we are reminded that Jesus entered into our world in what was seemingly the most inopportune time, in a dirty, smelly manger, and how he continues to enter our lives at all times, good and bad.

Topics: Christmas

When God Shows Up

• Greg Boyd

This weekend Greg continues our When God Shows Up series by examining two crucial questions we must ask when we find ourselves in an Advent season: How do we conduct ourselves in this fallen world when misery takes over? How can we hang on to hope when all seems hopeless?

Topics: Christmas, Faith, Hope, Pain & Suffering

How God Shows Up

• Shane Claiborne

This weekend we welcomed guest speaker Shane Claiborne to share with us a reminder of what it should mean to us this advent season that Jesus came into our lives as a homeless outsider in a violent, unwelcoming world.

Topics: Christmas, Controversial Issues, Hospitality

Who Shows Up?

• Greg Boyd

In many ways Jesus, and the kingdom he established, was anti-king of all kings. The holiness he embodied was guided by love, not law. Instead of using his kingship to separate himself from the unclean, lowly and hurting in the world, Jesus made his home right in the middle of our pain and our sin. This was unbelievably good news back then and today for all those who are hurting, needy, lonely, sinful or poor. God desires to make his residence in us, just as we are.

Topics: Christmas, Identity in Christ, Kingdom of God, Power


"I was incredibly blessed by everyone who came out to the clean-up event to serve neighborhood seniors. It literally brought me to tears knowing that there are amazing people out there restoring my hope in what it means to love and serve each other."

– Merrick Community Services staff member