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Mar 09 2025 • Cedrick Baker, Dan Kent, Greg Boyd, Sandra Unger

Jesus told us to love God with our whole heart, and he has given us the spiritual practices we need to align our heart with his. Through intentional actions, we shape ourselves to become better lovers of God, ourselves, others and creation! Join us as we talk about the practicalities of learning to love together, with our whole hearts.

Sermons in this series:

Abiding in Christ

• Greg Boyd

In this sermon, Greg introduces the spiritual discipline of practicing the presence of God. This is simply the habit of living with an awareness of God’s nearness to us on a moment by moment basis. It is founded upon the invitation to abide in Christ, as he abides in us.

Topics: Disciplines, Prayer, Presence of God

Honest to God

• Greg Boyd

Greg introduces a new series on discipleship by explaining why spiritual disciplines are so crucial to our relationship and walk with God. Then he introduces us to the discipline of being honest with ourselves and with God about our lives.

Topics: Discipleship, Salvation, Temptation


"I have found, in you, a place where the preached word profoundly resonates with my own recent journey of faith and has cemented a new way of thinking, I suppose like jigsaw pieces falling into place. I am grateful that a friend pointed me in your direction."

– Elaine, from the United Kingdom