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Sermon on the Mount

Jul 26 2020 • Cedrick Baker, Dan Kent, Emily Morrison, Greg Boyd, Jim Beilby, Meghan Good, Osheta Moore, Sandra Unger, Shawna Boren, Tara Beth Leach

When Jesus started preaching, he announced there was a new Kingdom in town and everyone was welcome to join. But what exactly was he inviting them to? In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus lays out God’s vision for a whole new kind of world. In a way this sermon is his manifesto, his charter, his declaration for a new way of life. But it’s far more surprising, beautiful and astonishing than any human system could ever be. Over the next several months, we’re taking a deep dive into the kind of world that comes to life when Jesus followers bring God’s Kingdom to earth as it is in heaven.

Sermons in this series:

Panel of the Expert

• Cedrick Baker, Dan Kent, Emily Morrison, Greg Boyd

As a conclusion to the Sermon on the Mount series, a panel discusses the high points of the series and interacts with the teachings in a personal way, helping us put the words of Jesus into action.

Topics: Discipleship

One With Authority

• Dan Kent

Jesus spoke with authority, but what does this authority mean for today when we tend to distrust authority figures? In this sermon Dan addresses why acting on Jesus’ teaching is so crucial to actually understanding what he said. Jesus’ truth is not merely a set of facts that we give assent to. They are life truths that we can only fully know when we live them out.

Topics: Discipleship, Transformation

Keep Your Eyes on the Fruit

• Greg Boyd

There is a distinct difference between false and true prophets. We know this difference by their fruit, by what they promote in the lives of others. The challenge is that because false prophets promote the norms of a culture they are easily embraced as being true.

Topics: Greed, Kingdom of God, Sin

The Road Less Traveled

• Greg Boyd

In this sermon, Greg address the differences between the wide and the narrow ways, and explains how we can embrace the life that comes with the narrow path.

Topics: Discipleship, Love

The Path is a Person

• Dan Kent

The end of the Sermon on the Mount offers two ways, or two paths to follow. In this sermon, Dan introduces the tradition of the Two Ways and then connects the way of life to the way of Jesus.

Topics: Discipleship, Relationships

Day of Revelation

• Greg Boyd

Greg teaches how what we build on the foundation of Jesus Christ will be tested by fire in the Final Judgment. That which aligns with the Kingdom will be purified and that which does not will be burned away.

Topics: End Times, Judgment

As in Adam, So in Christ

• Greg Boyd

In this sermon, Greg addresses the question of how Christ died and gave life to all, but at the same time, people can choose death and therefore reject this life. This is set in the context of the end judgment of God.

Topics: End Times, Judgment, Love

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"So many thanks for your wonderful messages and all you give to the world around you. I'm retired in Ecuador with no churches so really appreciate your online presence. So many Christians discourage questions, so this is refreshing, as are the Q&A sessions."

– Gretchen