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Panel of the Expert

• Cedrick Baker, Dan Kent, Emily Morrison, Greg Boyd

As a conclusion to the Sermon on the Mount series, a panel discusses the high points of the series and interacts with the teachings in a personal way, helping us put the words of Jesus into action.

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This sermon is actually a panel discussion to serve as a wrap up to the Sermon on the Mount series. The panel includes Greg Boyd, Dan Kent, Emily Morrison, and Cedrick Baker.

The questions that the panel members address include:

  • What are some of the highlights to this series that have stood out to you? The panelists discussed things like the call to action and the future orientation of Jesus’
  • What teaching was the most impactful for you? With the answers to this question, the focus lay on the internal work that is central to the teachings of the Sermon on the Mount.
  • What was the most challenging teaching from this series? The conversation around this question varied widely, but there was one stream of thought that seems to have tied it together, that is, the challenge of trying to live non-violently.
  • What was the most surprising thing from the Sermon on the Mount? The responses to this question revolved around the unexpected blessing found in seeing new things in a set of verses that were quite familiar.
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Topics: Discipleship

Sermon Series: Sermon on the Mount

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3 thoughts on “Panel of the Expert

  1. Mischa says:

    Greetings. Thank you so much for another provocative and moving Sunday experience. I laughed. I cried. I pondered – deeply.
    Of the many things that struck me – one thing I felt moved to comment on here was the Our Father prayer. That this has such power and depth – and is something meant to be experienced and said for and by many. I personally have had this prayer broken down, line by line, and taught about why and how it is God’s gift to us as a sort of “perfect prayer” back to him/her. And – as such – is very good for us. ESPECIALLY if we know what it is that is so important about it.

    While pondering all this – I was moved to be brave enough to make a suggestion.
    So here goes:

    What if the congregation was walked through a ‘how to pray the Our Father” – maybe on Sunday or two – and then we actually pray it together? I can only imagine a congregation as large as yours – resounding these words WITH awareness of what they mean and are meant to provoke from God on our behalf.

    Thanks for your consideration and all the work – internal and external – that you do!!!!

  2. Jerry says:

    Perfect title: Panel of the Expert [the] implies there is only one, John 14:6, making ALL of us a panel of students as we yoke with the Master Expert Jesus. https://whchurch.org/ sermon/the-path-is-a-person/

    Dan: “I do have a philosophy… I think in heaven mosquitoes are going to instead of biting us they’re going to give us little B12 shots”. [Good point]

    Taking into Consideration That DanKent.com – a podcast with Paul Anleitner on Leaving Open Theism and Roger Penrose’s Conformal Physical Cyclical Cosmology theory:

    Greg: “I’m about 95 million years more evolved intellectually than my dog and so there are things my dog just can’t get….. then I realized okay so I’m 95 more million years evolved than her but I’m 95 million years behind the Angels or whatever…I mean there are limitations on my brain just like there are limitations on hers and so I’m wondering what is it that I don’t get like she can’t understand algebra what is the algebra that I don’t get”?…. how ignorant I am how we don’t know hardly anything we don’t even know what energy is really or time, space we live in this mystery, mysterious thing, and it’s sometimes as I’m out walking I just like to remind myself of how odd everything is and God is the one who’s speaking this all into existence.” [God, outside the bubble, is accommodating all the unique frames of reference from mosquitoes to angels inside the bubble.]

    Love this, Jerry: “The more aware I am of the things God has yet to change in me [my planks], the less offended by and uncomfortable I will be with what God has yet to change in someone else.”

    Landed on that from the content of a recent Andy Stanley sermon.

    I consider God uniquely accommodates each of us based on our specific perceptions of reality limiting what he chooses to know as possibilities, inside the bubble, to those things he wants to change based on the duplicity in our soul [our planks] and as we yoke with him on this ALL things in the kingdom move forward including mosquitoes.

    As for others [planks], that’s God’s business certainly not ours and to try to take that on is definitely above our pay grade playing God having this knowledge of good versus evil, their soul duplicity, and our version judgments of their solution possibilities, definitely take the kingdom a step back.

    I spend a fair amount of time each day at the Gym. A majority of the folk there are from Hindu, Buddhist, or Muslim cultures. I’ve made friends and we enjoy spending time in the sauna talking about how Science correlates with Jesus’ teachings.

    Mahatma Gandhi is one of the most respected leaders of modern history. A Hindu, Gandhi nevertheless admired Jesus and often quoted from the Sermon on the Mount. Once when the missionary E. Stanley Jones met with Gandhi he asked him, “Mr. Gandhi, though you quote the words of Christ often, why is that you appear to reject becoming his follower so adamantly?”

    Gandhi replied, “Oh, I don’t reject your Christ. I love your Christ. It’s just that so many of you Christians are so unlike your Christ.”

    Apparently, Gandhi’s rejection of Christianity grew out of an incident that happened when he was a young man practicing law in South Africa. He had become attracted to the Christian faith, had studied the Bible and the teachings of Jesus, and was seriously exploring becoming a Christian and so he decided to attend a church service. As he came up the steps of the large church where he intended to go, a white South African elder of the church barred his way at the door. “Where do you think you’re going, kaffir?” the man asked Gandhi in a belligerent tone of voice.

    Gandhi replied, “I’d like to attend worship here.”

    The church elder snarled at him, “There’s no room for Kaffirs in this church. Get out of here or I’ll have my assistants throw you down the steps.”

    From that moment, Gandhi said, he decided to adopt what good he found in Christianity, but would never again consider becoming a Christian if it meant being part of the church. “I am a Christian and a Hindu and a Muslim and a Jew. “

    Reading E. Stanley Jones’s books, ‘The Christ of the Indian Road’ and ‘Gandhi: Portrait of a Friend’, triggered Martin Luther King’s use of Gandhi’s method of non-violence in the US. Note: Both Stanley (63) and King (64) were Gandhi Peace Award recipients. Also, in 64, King was the Nobel Peace Prize recipient.

    I want to point them to Woodland Hills sermons, which I believe are rich in content, springing from our sauna chats.

    I’ve created the word picture below as a summary section frame of reference for my comments on the Sermon on the Mount series, which I have also listed below for quick reference. [WH edits welcomed]

    Kingdom of Heaven – he that is greatest is a servant to all
    .prompting of God’s spirit – a narrow path [fruits of the spirit]

    Spirit – spiritual aptitudes and abilities
    SOFTWARE – Neocortex – Father- Knowledge – Semantic
    VAKOG Eph. 1:18, Gal. 3:2, James 4:8, 2 Cor. 2:16, Psalm 34:8
    .Comprehending the essential nature of God (natural light)
    .Discerning right and wrong (conscience)
    . Comprehending the basic meaning of life (wisdom)
    .Sensing the spirit of others (sensitivity)
    .Directing basic drives and emotions (creativity)

    Bridge [amount of God’s spirit in yours] yoked versus duplicity
    Soul– psychological aptitudes and abilities
    OPERATING SYSTEM – Cerebellum – Holy Spirit – Automatic – Associative
    __skills, habits, behaviors, attitudes, reactions
    Heart… I/O decisions
    __Mind – thinking, reasoning, remembering
    __Will – making choices
    __Emotions – feelings

    Body – physical aptitudes and abilities
    HARDWARE- Limbic – Son – Experience – Episodic
    .seeing –feeling-hearing-smelling-tasting

    Kingdoms of this world – hierarchy lording over one another
    .pull of the lower nature – a wide path [acts of the flesh]

    https://whchurch.org/ sermon /One-with-authority/#comment-249747
    [Soul attentiveness versus duplicity]

    https://whchurch.org/ sermon /the-absurdity-of-loneliness/#comment-249448 [attention, awareness and being comfortable]

    https://whchurch.org/ sermon /gods-perfect-peace/#comment-249249
    [Theo-synergistic Neuro-Transformation – finding rest for your soul]

    https://whchurch.org/ sermon /keep-your-eyes-on-the-fruit/#comment-249060 [narrow road versus wide a death by distraction]

    https://whchurch.org/ sermon /the-road-less-traveled/#comment-248956
    [The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry – being yoked with Jesus]

    https://whchurch.org/ sermon /the-road-less-traveled/#comment-249447
    [Theo-synergistic Neuro-Transformation – The brain is like a computer processing and sorting]

    https://whchurch.org/ sermon /the-road-less-traveled/#comment-248999
    [John Ortberg tells a story – throne versus phone]

    https://whchurch.org/ sermon /day-of-revelation/#comment-248865
    [Patience of God NOT wanting any to perish – sermon, by Dr. Charles Stanley, on the prodigal son]

    https://whchurch.org/ sermon /what-about-those-who-never-hear-the-gospel/#comment-249389 – [Andy Stanley daughter story – God’s perfect peace and the reason for the season]

    [our physical cells as avatars that we, spiritual creatures, use to navigate, via Romans 12:2]

    https://whchurch.org/ sermon /creation-care-checkup/#comment-248777 [Kurzgesagt – a Physicalism approach versus Spirit/matter (RUACH – invisible animating energy) concerning where information is stored]

    https://whchurch.org/ sermon /creation-care-checkup/#comment-248816
    [David Bentley Hart contrasting two-tier Thomistic theology of pure nature]

    https://whchurch.org/ sermon /wrath-of-god/#comment-248427
    [Theo-synergistic Neuro-Transformation course theme…Rupert Sheldrake…Jonathan Haidt – A four-part fiery judgment of purification]

    https://whchurch.org/ sermon /love-or-die/#comment-248320
    [My brother, like Greg’s sister, dying of Brain cancer]

    https://whchurch.org/ sermon /summer-qa-2022/#comment-248467
    [defending versus demonstrating Christ]

    https://whchurch.org/ sermon /getting-off-your-high-horse/#comment-248172 [René Girard’s Mimetic Theory]

    https://whchurch.org/ sermon /getting-off-your-high-horse/#comment-248190 [Stripped of pretension left at the gate]

    https://whchurch.org/ sermon /getting-off-your-high-horse/#comment-248283 [Euclidean block universe – Lorentzian: scattering theory – Chaos Theory – Orch OR theory – Open Theism – now moment possibilities via quantum physics]

    https://whchurch.org/ sermon /getting-off-your-high-horse/#comment-248294 [John Polkinghorne on what is time – the absurdity of multi-verses and String Theory]

    https://whchurch.org/ sermon /getting-off-your-high-horse/#comment-248325 [Dallas Willard on heaven and hell]

    https://whchurch.org/ sermon /fake-news/#comment-248058
    [My clinical LSD experience and the triune universe]

    https://whchurch.org/ sermon /fake-news/#comment-248069
    [Jewish Nobel lariats crushing the mind/matter duality]

    https://whchurch.org/ sermon /a-different-kind-of-fire/#comment-247886
    [one that burns away dross – spirit/matter from science – Eric Metaxas on atheism is dead – Judgments]

    https://whchurch.org/ sermon /a-different-kind-of-fire/#comment-247892
    [fine-tuning elements the biggest miracle of all]

    https://whchurch.org/ sermon /a-different-kind-of-fire/#comment-247912
    [a little on my story – everything we see is already there]

    https://whchurch.org/ sermon /a-different-kind-of-fire/#comment-247975 [Computers having no emotions and the IQ of a carrot – A four-part fiery judgment of purification]

    https://whchurch.org/ sermon /a-different-kind-of-fire/#comment-247995
    [Robert Farrar Capon Jesus Parables – John Medina Brain Rules the genius of high functioning autism]

    https://whchurch.org/ sermon /a-different-kind-of-fire/#comment-248003
    [The Webb Telescope – the universe as a huge trampoline – The folly of multi-verse theory – Roger Penrose’s Conformal Physical Cyclical Cosmology theory with Christian apologist, William Lane Craig’s Kalam Cosmological Argument Bill rendering Jacobs ladder as the best science to date]

    https://whchurch.org/ sermon /a-different-kind-of-fire/#comment-248075
    [Hugh Ross on ice age cycles and the care of the animal kingdom as they are man’s best friend]

    https://whchurch.org/ sermon /cross-examination-qa/#comment-247684
    [who should we judge]

    https://whchurch.org/ sermon /cross-examination-qa/#comment-247822
    [Culture-war Christianity]

    https://whchurch.org/ sermon /cross-examination-qa/#comment-247830 [conscious and age of reason – most of human history had no abortion but Infanticide – early church response of what love required]

    https://whchurch.org/ sermon /cross-examination-qa/#comment-247853
    [systemic inequalities our part now and Jesus’ part on his return – reign versus realm]

    https://whchurch.org/ sermon /cross-examination-qa/#comment-247860
    [Walter Wink flesh and blood versus Satan’s Domination System – the dark cloud, by speaking the truth in love, we punch holes through]

    https://whchurch.org/ sermon /the-absurdity-of-judgment/#comment-247610
    [all our shocking imperfections]

    https://whchurch.org/ sermon /daily-bread/#comment-246122
    [Technology in Heaven – My thoughts having made a living writing AI templates prototypes for IBM ANS Cobol and Microsoft Visual Basic for applications]

  3. Jerry says:

    This is a dup of my prior comment [links went south with Chrome] so tried with Edge

    Perfect title: Panel of the Expert [the] implies there is only one, John 14:6, making ALL of us a panel of students as we yoke with the Master Expert Jesus. https://whchurch.org/sermon/the-path-is-a-person/

    Dan: “I do have a philosophy… I think in heaven mosquitoes are going to instead of biting us they’re going to give us little B12 shots”. [Good point]

    Taking into Consideration That DanKent.com – a podcast with Paul Anleitner on Leaving Open Theism and Roger Penrose’s Conformal Physical Cyclical Cosmology theory:

    Greg: “I’m about 95 million years more evolved intellectually than my dog and so there are things my dog just can’t get….. then I realized okay so I’m 95 more million years evolved than her but I’m 95 million years behind the Angels or whatever…I mean there are limitations on my brain just like there are limitations on hers and so I’m wondering what is it that I don’t get like she can’t understand algebra what is the algebra that I don’t get”?…. how ignorant I am how we don’t know hardly anything we don’t even know what energy is really or time, space we live in this mystery, mysterious thing, and it’s sometimes as I’m out walking I just like to remind myself of how odd everything is and God is the one who’s speaking this all into existence.” [God, outside the bubble, is accommodating all the unique frames of reference from mosquitoes to angels inside the bubble.]

    Love this, Jerry: “The more aware I am of the things God has yet to change in me [my planks], the less offended by and uncomfortable I will be with what God has yet to change in someone else.”

    Landed on that from the content of a recent Andy Stanley sermon.

    I consider God uniquely accommodates each of us based on our specific perceptions of reality limiting what he chooses to know as possibilities, inside the bubble, to those things he wants to change based on the duplicity in our soul [our planks] and as we yoke with him on this ALL things in the kingdom move forward including mosquitoes.

    As for others [planks], that’s God’s business certainly not ours and to try to take that on is definitely above our pay grade playing God having this knowledge of good versus evil, their soul duplicity, and our version judgments of their solution possibilities, definitely take the kingdom a step back.

    I spend a fair amount of time each day at the Gym. A majority of the folk there are from Hindu, Buddhist, or Muslim cultures. I’ve made friends and we enjoy spending time in the sauna talking about how Science correlates with Jesus’ teachings.

    Mahatma Gandhi is one of the most respected leaders of modern history. A Hindu, Gandhi nevertheless admired Jesus and often quoted from the Sermon on the Mount. Once when the missionary E. Stanley Jones met with Gandhi he asked him, “Mr. Gandhi, though you quote the words of Christ often, why is that you appear to reject becoming his follower so adamantly?”

    Gandhi replied, “Oh, I don’t reject your Christ. I love your Christ. It’s just that so many of you Christians are so unlike your Christ.”

    Apparently, Gandhi’s rejection of Christianity grew out of an incident that happened when he was a young man practicing law in South Africa. He had become attracted to the Christian faith, had studied the Bible and the teachings of Jesus, and was seriously exploring becoming a Christian and so he decided to attend a church service. As he came up the steps of the large church where he intended to go, a white South African elder of the church barred his way at the door. “Where do you think you’re going, kaffir?” the man asked Gandhi in a belligerent tone of voice.

    Gandhi replied, “I’d like to attend worship here.”

    The church elder snarled at him, “There’s no room for Kaffirs in this church. Get out of here or I’ll have my assistants throw you down the steps.”

    From that moment, Gandhi said, he decided to adopt what good he found in Christianity, but would never again consider becoming a Christian if it meant being part of the church. “I am a Christian and a Hindu and a Muslim and a Jew. “

    Reading E. Stanley Jones’s books, ‘The Christ of the Indian Road’ and ‘Gandhi: Portrait of a Friend’, triggered Martin Luther King’s use of Gandhi’s method of non-violence in the US. Note: Both Stanley (63) and King (64) were Gandhi Peace Award recipients. Also, in 64, King was the Nobel Peace Prize recipient.

    I want to point them to Woodland Hills sermons, which I believe are rich in content, springing from our sauna chats.

    I’ve created the word picture below as a summary section frame of reference for my comments on the Sermon on the Mount series, which I have also listed below for quick reference. [WH edits welcomed]

    Kingdom of Heaven – he that is greatest is a servant to all
    .prompting of God’s spirit – a narrow path [fruits of the spirit]

    Spirit – spiritual aptitudes and abilities
    SOFTWARE – Neocortex – Father- Knowledge – Semantic
    VAKOG Eph. 1:18, Gal. 3:2, James 4:8, 2 Cor. 2:16, Psalm 34:8
    .Comprehending the essential nature of God (natural light)
    .Discerning right and wrong (conscience)
    . Comprehending the basic meaning of life (wisdom)
    .Sensing the spirit of others (sensitivity)
    .Directing basic drives and emotions (creativity)

    Bridge [amount of God’s spirit in yours] yoked versus duplicity
    Soul– psychological aptitudes and abilities
    OPERATING SYSTEM – Cerebellum – Holy Spirit – Automatic – Associative
    __skills, habits, behaviors, attitudes, reactions
    Heart… I/O decisions
    __Mind – thinking, reasoning, remembering
    __Will – making choices
    __Emotions – feelings

    Body – physical aptitudes and abilities
    HARDWARE- Limbic – Son – Experience – Episodic
    .seeing –feeling-hearing-smelling-tasting

    Kingdoms of this world – hierarchy lording over one another
    .pull of the lower nature – a wide path [acts of the flesh]

    [Soul attentiveness versus duplicity]

    [attention, awareness and being comfortable]

    [Theo-synergistic Neuro-Transformation – finding rest for your soul]

    [narrow road versus wide a death by distraction]

    [The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry – being yoked with Jesus]

    [Theo-synergistic Neuro-Transformation – The brain is like a computer processing and sorting]

    [John Ortberg tells a story – throne versus phone]

    [Patience of God NOT wanting any to perish – sermon, by Dr. Charles Stanley, on the prodigal son]

    [Andy Stanley daughter story – God’s perfect peace and the reason for the season]

    [our physical cells as avatars that we, spiritual creatures, use to navigate, via Romans 12:2]

    [Kurzgesagt – a Physicalism approach versus Spirit/matter (RUACH – invisible animating energy) concerning where information is stored]

    [David Bentley Hart contrasting two-tier Thomistic theology of pure nature]

    [Theo-synergistic Neuro-Transformation course theme…Rupert Sheldrake…Jonathan Haidt – A four-part fiery judgment of purification]

    [My brother, like Greg’s sister, dying of Brain cancer]

    [defending versus demonstrating Christ]

    [René Girard’s Mimetic Theory]

    [Stripped of pretension left at the gate]

    [Euclidean block universe – Lorentzian: scattering theory – Chaos Theory – Orch OR theory – Open Theism – now moment possibilities via quantum physics]

    [John Polkinghorne on what is time – the absurdity of multi-verses and String Theory]

    [Dallas Willard on heaven and hell]

    [My clinical LSD experience and the triune universe]

    [Jewish Nobel lariats crushing the mind/matter duality]

    [one that burns away dross – spirit/matter from science – Eric Metaxas on atheism is dead – Judgments]

    [fine-tuning elements the biggest miracle of all]

    [a little on my story – everything we see is already there]

    [Computers having no emotions and the IQ of a carrot – A four-part fiery judgment of purification]

    [Robert Farrar Capon Jesus Parables – John Medina Brain Rules the genius of high functioning autism]

    [The Webb Telescope – the universe as a huge trampoline – The folly of multi-verse theory – Roger Penrose’s Conformal Physical Cyclical Cosmology theory with Christian apologist, William Lane Craig’s Kalam Cosmological Argument Bill rendering Jacobs ladder as the best science to date]

    [Hugh Ross on ice age cycles and the care of the animal kingdom as they are man’s best friend]

    [who should we judge]

    [Culture-war Christianity]

    [conscious and age of reason – most of human history had no abortion but Infanticide – early church response of what love required]

    [systemic inequalities our part now and Jesus’ part on his return – reign versus realm]

    [Walter Wink flesh and blood versus Satan’s Domination System – the dark cloud, by speaking the truth in love, we punch holes through]

    [all our shocking imperfections]

    [Technology in Heaven – My thoughts having made a living writing AI templates prototypes for IBM ANS Cobol and Microsoft Visual Basic for applications]

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