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Team Members

Need to reach someone who works at Woodland? You’ve come to the right place.

Mary Van Sickle

Family & Connecting Pastor

mvansickle@whchurch.org 651-287-2072

Mary is the family pastor and the point person for live events. She produces Sunday services, overseeing all the moving pieces both inside the auditorium and out in the children’s halls. Basically, Sunday morning is her jam. Mary loves movie theater popcorn: extra butter, extra salt, light on the popcorn.

Patrick Showers

Associate Children's Pastor (Elementary)

pshowers@whchurch.org 651-287-2050

Patrick helps kids discover their role in God’s big story by creating an environment where they belong, are valued and where they can grow strong and healthy roots of faith in Jesus. He enjoys working with families and seeing kids grow spiritually over the span of many years. He also eats more Jolly Ranchers than he probably should.

Paul Eddy

Teaching & Theological Resource Pastor

peddy@whchurch.org 651-287-2051

Paul is a teaching pastor and also serves on the Executive Team. He teaches a variety of classes, serves on the sermon support team and does his best to keep Greg theologically balanced. When he has free time, he’s probably doing research for his next book.

Paula Bowlby

Children’s & Outreach Associate Pastor

pbowlby@whchurch.org 651-287-2068

Paula splits most of her time between the Children’s Team and the Outreach Team. She works with the Heroes Gate curriculum and volunteers, she runs The Corner Shelf and she coordinates large events. She loves these two teams and caring for people wherever they’re at. She has three amazing adult children and a crazy dog Maya, and will gladly share photos of them at any time.

Richard Yonker

Associate Discipleship Pastor

ryonker@whchurch.org 651-338-2147

Rick helps to lead the Sojourners community, where he teaches and mentors others desiring to grow deeper in Christ through covenant relationships and missional living. Rick enjoys being a grandpa and loves running and fly fishing for trout in Southern Minnesota.

Rob Kistler

Care & Spiritual Formation Pastor

rkistler@whchurch.org 651-287-3001

Rob supports our congregation in growth and healing through counseling and support group ministries as well as organizing classes. His favorite part of the job is hearing the testimonies of those who have grown closer to Jesus through Woodland’s ministries. Rob is number seven in a family of seven sons.

Ruth Richmond

Associate Worship Pastor - Vocalist

rrichmond@whchurch.org 651-287-2067

Ruth organizes the worship teams for the adult weekend services, and for Heroes Gate. She wants to help everyone find a place for their talents, and vocal rehearsals are her number one, all time favorite thing. Ruth likes to give pep-talks to her plants. “Hey there, nice bloom!”

Sarah Cassin

Communications Administrative Coordinator

scassin@whchurch.org 651-287-2095

Sarah’s main tasks revolve around the Woodland website, app and podcast. Most of what you see online, she likely put there! As an introvert Sarah stays on the quiet side, but you’ll spark a conversation if you bring up hobbits or gardening.

Shawna Boren

Engagement Pastor

sboren@whchurch.org 651-287-2719

Shawna loves helping people find belonging online or in-person through her work with Gathering Groups, the Welcome Team and Cultivate Classes. You can also catch her every Tuesday on the MuseCast. In her soul, Shawna is a 98 year old woman who loves TV classics like Golden Girls, Murder She Wrote and Matlock.

Shelley Boyd

Executive Coordinator

info@whchurch.org 651-287-2093

Shelley works with the Executive Team and assists Greg with his scheduling and e-mails. She enjoys gardening, bird watching and exploring ways that she and Greg can live as eco-friendly as possible.

Trista Weber

Care Coordinator

tweber@whchurch.org 651-287-2065

Trista’s main focus is working with lay counselor volunteers and helping people looking for lay counseling or referrals to mental health professionals. Her hobbies include camping and gardening. She also enjoys visiting her children and grandchildren in Houston and Denver.

Troy Zambrano

Facilities Director

tzambrano@whchurch.org 651-287-2705

Troy is our facilities manager, overseeing the inside and outside of 1740 Van Dyke Street through building and grounds maintenance, and cleaning.

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"I have battled anxiety for years, searching for something to help me overcome fear. I believe that through your sermons, I have found truth and I am more convinced of the extravagant love of God than ever. I finally feel like I am on the journey out of the darkness."

– Amanda, from Nebraska