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Heroes Gate

Heroes Gate Transitions

Change is inevitable, or so they say.  For Heroes Gate, this is definitely true.  We work with kids, and they keep growing.  Each Sunday, they are a little bit older, taller, and grasping deeper concepts. In Heroes Gate, change is coming, as well. We wanted to give you a heads up on all that is occurring in case your child may need … Read More 


We Love Our HG Volunteers!

Volunteers are the heart of Heroes Gate. To volunteer means to “freely offer to do something.” Our volunteers freely give of themselves week after week. In Heroes Gate, we would not be able to open the doors each week without people giving freely of themselves for the Kingdom of God. Our volunteers are various ages, do various roles and are … Read More 


Family Missions Experiences

Throughout the year, people from Woodland Hills head out on short-term mission trips.  But did you know that some of those people are families?  We asked three parents about their experiences of taking their kids on mission trips recently and wanted to share their answers with you.   What appealed to you about doing a mission trip with your child/children? … Read More 

Be a Summertime Hero!

It’s almost summer, when our school-year volunteers take a break! Be a summertime hero and join us as we give them a break. Volunteer in infants, toddlers, preschool, elementary, special needs or help us out as a gate keeper. You can sign up online by filling out this form or by stopping by the Heroes Gate Desk here at Woodland … Read More 

4 Kids!

Starting May 29th, the majority of Heroes Gate school year volunteers will take a well deserved summer break. That means there are 14 Sundays of summer where we’ll need volunteers! We have 4 age groups available: Infants, Toddlers, Preschool and Elementary. No experience needed, no preparation and you won’t have to teach. Consider serving 4 Sundays (or more) this summer … Read More 


"I was inspired during my recent visit to your church, and wanted to thank you for the notable work you are accomplishing in the city. Thank you for being Holy Spirit first responders to the homeless and downtrodden. May God continue to show himself strong as you represent Christ daily."

– Kathy