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We Love Our HG Volunteers!

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Volunteers are the heart of Heroes Gate. To volunteer means to “freely offer to do something.” Our volunteers freely give of themselves week after week. In Heroes Gate, we would not be able to open the doors each week without people giving freely of themselves for the Kingdom of God. Our volunteers are various ages, do various roles and are ALL appreciated. Thank you volunteers!!!

Recently, I asked our volunteers if they would share with me why they volunteer in Heroes Gate. I would like to share a few of their responses with you. 

“I volunteer because I want to give back to the church that has given so much to me and my family.”-Eve

“I’d say that I volunteer for a few reasons. One is that volunteers in Heroes Gate have cared for my children on Sunday mornings for years(!), allowing me the chance to attend worship. It’s out of gratitude that I offer my time in service to other families. I’m also really interested in what and how my kids are learning in Heroes Gate. Volunteering allows me the chance to see firsthand, and to also get a chance to interact with the material before and after the service. Since I have the chance to be a leader of my son’s group, we’ve been able to have some good conversations that I otherwise wouldn’t have been lead into.”- Lea

“The kids are a HOOT and there is a need.  It feeds my soul to be a part of their spiritual growth.”-Stephanie

Individuals volunteer for many reasons. Some volunteer because they see a need, others volunteer because it fills a void, some to give back but most because it is fun!!! We are so thankful for our volunteers and appreciate them. Please take time this week to thank the volunteers in our ministry – they are awesome!

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– Renae