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Sermon Series

Turning the Tables

We believe God is wholly love and completely non-violent, and that we are called to exemplify this love. Despite this, many of Jesus’ words and actions in the New Testament seem violent. And over the centuries, people have used these passages to justify their own violence. In “Turning the Tables,” we will examine these portrayals of Jesus to understand them … Read More 

Moving Pictures

When Jesus taught us, he spoke to us in parables. He used stories to connect us to the truths that God has written into the bigger story that we’re all a part of: bringing his kingdom to earth. In our summer series, Moving Pictures, we’ll look for those same truths in the parables of today’s culture, at the movies. Join … Read More 

Glimpses of Truth

The Old Testament depicts the people of God as stubborn, unfaithful, and ignorant about what God is really like. Yet, the Spirit of God worked in their hearts to reveal as much of his true character as possible. So, despite their overall misunderstanding, they sometimes got “glimpses of truth.” In this series, we will explore the most significant ways that … Read More 

Cross Centered

The violence in the Old Testament is a huge barrier to people understanding the true character of God. Jesus most perfectly represents what God is like, but how can we imagine Jesus doing some of the nasty things in the Old Testament? Greg, our senior pastor, has spent nearly a decade wrestling with this dilemma and wrote a book about … Read More 


So many of us are overwhelmed by things that keep us from living the life God wants for us. We struggle with things like fear, insecurity, addictions, rejection, lack of trust, and unforgiveness. But through the power of the Spirit and with help from others, we can tear down these strongholds. It requires the hard work of retraining our thoughts … Read More 


We are entrusted with time, talents, and money, and it’s critical that we use them wisely. In the Kingdom of God, we all have the responsibility to be intentional, generous, gracious and trusting with these precious resources. They’re the means we have to achieve our mission to love and serve the world! Our Entrusted sermon series runs from January 8 … Read More 

Across the Universe

2000 years ago, the vast and powerful God of the universe reached across a cosmic divide — one that we created — and arrived as a baby in Bethlehem. He came to Earth to teach us about the Father and to invite us back to our true home in the Kingdom of God. We hope you will join us. Our … Read More 

Without Borders

As the political climate heats up with the upcoming election, we remember that our first allegiance is to a Kingdom without borders. We need to be careful to not get overly distracted by the promises of the earthly kingdoms around us, because Jesus is the real hope of the world. What does this mean for how we engage in society? … Read More 

Worth the Risk

The goal of self-fulfillment is killing us, and the struggle to make and follow through on commitments is getting harder. Making and keeping covenant relationships is risky, but highly rewarding: choosing a career; getting and staying married; sticking in friendships when they get hard; fighting for and investing in family; committing to a church community. Instead of trying to become … Read More 

God In Us

When Jesus’ physical body left the early church, he promised to send his spirit in his place. A spirit that, if we believed in it, would live in us. A spirit that, through us, would do even greater things than what Jesus did in his time here. A spirit that, working with us, would bring God’s Kingdom to this broken … Read More 

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"I have battled anxiety for years, searching for something to help me overcome fear. I believe that through your sermons, I have found truth and I am more convinced of the extravagant love of God than ever. I finally feel like I am on the journey out of the darkness."

– Amanda, from Nebraska