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Cross Centered

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The violence in the Old Testament is a huge barrier to people understanding the true character of God. Jesus most perfectly represents what God is like, but how can we imagine Jesus doing some of the nasty things in the Old Testament? Greg, our senior pastor, has spent nearly a decade wrestling with this dilemma and wrote a book about it that will be released in April. Not everyone will agree with it, but during our Cross Centered series he’ll offer his proposal with the hope that all of us go away with a clearer picture of God and his infinite love for us.

Our Cross Centered sermon series runs from March 19 through April 9. We hope you will join us!

Sermons in this series will be posted here.

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"Thank you for this ministry! It has transformed my life in some really radical ways. God has broken down so many barriers and exposed so many lies that have taken some serious burdens from my heart. It has given me hope, freedom and purpose I never could have imagined possible."

– Jenny, from Wisconsin