Jesus taught his earliest followers that peace was such a treasure that it should be worked for and nurtured wherever and whenever it is absent. We see and mourn the effects of the absence of peace in our global village, local communities, and in our own circles of relationships. For 4 weeks we will listen to the King of Peace … Read More
Jesus reminded the religious leaders of his day that in their worship and practice they were neglecting the more important matters of God’s work: justice, mercy and faithfulness. The prophet Micah summed up three action steps of God’s vision for a strong people: love mercy, walk humbly and do justice. Compassion and justice in the way of Jesus are birthed … Read More
Rediscover the Resurrection. Rediscover Humility. Rediscover Faith. Starting on Easter, our three-part Rediscover sermon series will introduce (or remind us about) the kind of God we find in the Bible, the hope we see in the Church, and how our doubts deepen our faith. March 26-27: Rediscover the Resurrection April 2-3: Rediscover Humility April 9-10: Rediscover Faith
Evangelism: Jesus did it, showed his followers how to do it, and commissioned us to keep doing it. The work of inviting people into apprenticeship to Jesus has been the responsibility of Jesus’ followers in every generation, often at great cost. In our day, evangelism can hardly be talked about without stirring strong (often negative) emotions. Still, our call to … Read More
The strategic plan of God’s enemy from the beginning was to entrap the human race in a variety of cages that keep us from God’s life and his design for our relationships. Week by week we will talk about the spiritual war going on around us, and how to break out of the cages that can trap us. Our Cage … Read More