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The Lost Art of Friendship Caption Contest

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During our sermon series on friendship, we’ve dug into Scripture and into the past to learn how we can reclaim the lost art of making and keeping friends.

Friendship is a funny thing, and so are these vintage friend photos! That’s why throughout our Friendship series, we held this caption contest!

Each Sunday, we featured a new photo ​of a friendship from the past. You submitted your best line and we announced the winners each Sunday. Disclaimer: There were no prizes other than the glory of hearing YOUR caption read aloud during the service 😉

You can view each week’s photo and some of the submitted captions right here:

Week 1

Winning Caption:
“We didn’t make front page, but we made a headline!” -Swank

2nd place: “*crinkle crinkle* Mary hold still. You’re making headlines.” -Molly
3rd place: “Look Ma, we’re in the newspaper!” -Ruth

Week 2

Winning Caption:
“Coming Summer of 2022… Fast and the Furious: The Prequel” -Andrea

2nd place: “Walter and his chums passed many happy hours gallivanting about in his snappy Chrysler Etch-A-Sketch.” -Jon
3rd place: “We would like to trade this in for a Tesla” -Diane

Week 3

Winning Caption:
“Uber says the buggy will be here in 5 minutes.” -Helen

2nd place: “Gosh, Polly, I can’t believe she unfriended you just because you dinked her in pickleball. “ -John W.
3rd place: “Mable showing off how many likes she has on her telegraph post.” -Dan

Week 4

Winning Caption:
“Me: Goodnight. I love you. *closes door*
My Kids: …5 minutes later.” -Takayla P.

2nd place: “Look here, Jimmy, I ain’t gonna fight ya ‘cause I’m an Anabaptist. But how’d ya like to get dunked?” – John
3rd place: “Last one standing gets a real swimsuit.” -Anonymous

Week 5

Winning Caption:
A photograph of the international summit where the question of 1 lump or 2 of sugar in your tea was finally negotiated. – Andrew

2nd place: Playing Rock, Paper, Scissors, Gun – JR and EP
3rd place: “Best two out of three?” -Jeff

Week 6

Winning Caption:
A picture of Greg steering a theological argument with Paul Eddy – Paul says, “I’m not sure about the direction this thing is headed.” -Kevin

2nd place: This is the reason for the invention of the unicycle.” -Edward X.
3rd place: He’s sniffing my back again, isn’t he?” -JR

2 thoughts on “The Lost Art of Friendship Caption Contest

  1. Rob says:

    That Greg Boyd…at it again on Twitter!

  2. BILL says:


    -BILL W.

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"We have been podrishioners for several months. Our daughter, son-in-law and grandkids moved back to California after living in MN for 10 years. They attended Woodland Hills for about a year before they moved. Now we all go to the beach together on Thursdays, come home and have dinner together, then we watch last Sunday’s sermon together. It is a special day for our family."

– Dale and Patricia, from California