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Tiny Homes Make Their Move

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It’s possible that last weekend, someone driving down the road in St. Paul glanced out their car window and was startled to see a pickup truck hauling a beautiful tiny home. Yep, Settled has moved five tiny homes out of the Woodland Hills parking lot and on to the Sacred Settlement at Mosaic Christian Community.

This process took five trips, hitching each tiny house up to a pickup truck, and then using a forklift to steer them through the Mosaic property and place them on the blocks of their foundations.

Because the ground isn’t perfectly level, each corner was jacked up to even out the flooring. How do you jack up the corner of a 10,000-25,000 lb house? A regular car jack will do the trick!

The houses will stay on wheels, but now each one is being skirted, which means insulating the space between the trailer and the ground to keep the house warm in winter.

Brandon Overholt, who manages the construction process, is encouraged by this next step. “It’s been relentlessly slow, but now it feels like progress is definitely being made. It’s great to finally be doing some of these things that make it feel meaningful, and it’s amazing to have gotten to this point.”

The houses should be ready for an August move-in, and construction will start on three more this summer – watch for the progress in our parking lot!

Learn more about Settled and our partnership on the Tiny Home project here.

One thought on “Tiny Homes Make Their Move

  1. Lizz says:

    So awesome. As Christian who grew up in the Nazarene denomination ( of which Mozaic is a part), I am so blessed that we are partnering with the family of God, and making this settlement happen. Just a note: the pastors of Mozaic are the family members of the pastor of the Cambodian Church of the Nazarene, and all 3 pastors in this family graduated from Mid-America Nazarene University!

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