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Topic: Community

Lessons in Hospitality

Hospitality has a unique meaning and application in the Kingdom of God. In this message, Greg continues our Kingdom hospitality series exploring Peter’s revelation in Acts 10 of who’s in and who’s out of the Kingdom. Through Christ, God has offered a giant bear hug to humanity with an invitation that all are welcome to enter. As followers of Jesus, … Read More 

Getting Under God’s Skin

We kick off our new “You Before Me” series with a look at hospitality as the essence of God —  Making space in your life to love and welcome a stranger.

Move Through It: From Broken to Whole

Conflict is the “elephant in the room” of all relationships – we either want to ignore it or focus completely on it. Yet as Kingdom people, how do we deal with conflict in ways that reflect Christ on the cross? In the fourth week of our series, “Next Level Relationships,” Osheta Moore shows us how to tell better stories about … Read More 

Move Deeper: Why We Hide

This week we explore vulnerability, and how we all tend to use the serpent’s tools of hiding and idolatrous performance to protect ourselves from judgment and shame. We learn that Vulnerability is the only onramp to real connection with others, and is also the key to enabling us to receive our life and fullness from God alone.

The Discipline of Reviewing

For all of the events that take place in our lives from day to day, month to month, and year to year, it’s important to take time to reflect, review, and ask God where He was working within these events and what He is doing through them. In the final message of 2017, Greg talks about the discipline of reviewing, … Read More 

We Battle Together

In today’s final sermon in the “Overcome” series, Greg discusses the last critically important key to overcoming temptation: Community.

There is no Them // Part Two

Hospitality is the intentional inclusion of the stranger and “others” in our jobs, churches, neighborhoods, cities, and beyond. What exactly does this look like and why don’t we do this? In the second message in our “There Is No Them” series, Greg unpacks two Scripture passages that help to identify Jesus in the face of the strangers around us, and … Read More 


In the Kingdom of God freedom is an end in of itself. It is part of our nature as created beings to be free and not be ruled over by one another, any agent in the spiritual realm, or by substances or behavior patterns. For many people addiction is one of the key stumbling blocks that perpetuates cycles of shame, hiding, and a lack of fullness of life. In this message Greg explores what lies at the heart of all addictions, substance or otherwise, and how we go about untangling ourselves from their grip so we can step into the full life that God desires us to have.

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New Beginnings

This weekend service recognized our teaching pastor and dear friend, Seth McCoy, as he gave his last sermon here. Seth and his family will be transitioning from Woodland Hills to serve God’s Kingdom in another capacity. We celebrate and thank the McCoy family for serving, loving and participating in our larger Woodland Hills family. In this sermon, Seth discusses his affection for Woodland Hills and for the process of following your calling through three lenses: A telescope, a microscope and a rearview mirror. Read More 

Keeping the Light

Keeping the Light. Throughout the biblical narrative, we see that Jesus is the light of the world. And that light is shared with humanity in order that we may shine the light. In the Old Testament, Israel was called to be the light to other nations. With the Incarnation, Jesus came as the light of the world. And today, the family of God is to bear witness to the light of the world. Greg shares with us how we are blessed to be conduits of light, to shine and share the light. Read More 

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"My counselor emailed me the True You sermon from your Overwhelmed series to help me believe who God says I am, which was a game changer for sure."

– MK, from Arizona