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Topic: Community


Throughout Scripture, we see a strong emphasis on positive traditions in the Church. In both the Old and New Testament, God repeatedly calls his people to be anchored with a sense of history. In this sermon, Greg explains why the Anabaptist tradition is closest to Woodland Hills. Read More 

The Salt and Light Revolution

Jesus commanded his disciples to be the salt and light of this world, but being the salt and light has been misunderstood in many contemporary Christian circles. In this sermon, Greg talks about the purpose of being salt and light, and he calls all of Jesus’ followers to step out of the crowd and become disciples. Read More 

God’s Big Toes

The Church of Christ functions like a body. When one part of the body doesn’t work, it affects the rest of the body. In this sermon, Greg calls the Church to respond to God’s call for us to serve one another. Read More 

Our Charismatic Thread

The Charismatic thread helps us understand and delve into how the Holy Spirit works. In this sermon, Greg talks about the life of William Seymour and how the gifts of the Spirit are to be used today, in addition to counter-cultural Charismatic perspectives on race and gender that were a part of the movement from the beginning. Read More 

The Great Contenders

From the very beginning of Christianity, there has been contention and a battle with the kingdom of darkness. Where there is no light, we are supposed to bring light through self-sacrificial love. In this sermon, Shawna explores why we contend and offers encouragement in our spreading of the light in our dark world. Read More 

Abba and Abasi

It takes a community to raise a child. Yet, in our modern world, we’ve set the standard that parenting should only be done by the biological parents. This separation of family from community is a tactic of the devil. In this sermon, Greg gives some principles of parenting in today’s world. Read More 

Solo Mojo

Singleness is a topic that isn’t discussed very often. In this sermon, Greg talks about the stigma that is attached to single people, especially in churches. He also brings to light how the early church viewed singleness and provides three implications of being single in today’s world. Read More 

A Family Affair

We’ve all dealt with issues in our families. In this sermon, Greg sets up the framework of understanding biblical family. This framework will help us understand how God wants us to relate to our families over the next five weeks of study. This sermon will make you go “hmmm”. Read More 

Body Parts

To belong to Christ is to belong to his body, which is the church. Just as any body part can not survive without the other body parts, a person cannot follow Jesus purely on their own. We all have a role to play in this body and no part is worthless. Finding your place and function is important to belonging to the body of Christ. Read More 

Growing Our Faith

Sometimes in life, Faith is an intellectual issue. However, sometimes faith comes after following Jesus. In this sermon, Seth talks to us about examples of people following Jesus and then having faith. He also talks about what it looks like for our faith to grow. Read More 

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"For so many years, I have been blessed by your music ministry. It takes me to a place that evokes so many emotions and feelings: gratefulness; honor; love; joy; hope; peace; strength. My heart feels connected to the heart of God over and over again as we worship together."

– WH Attender