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Topic: Family

Blessed Rituals

As members of God’s church, we are called to share the gospel in every part of our lives. Our family is central to our daily lives, but we often don’t think about how we can intentionally live out the gospel in that setting. This sermon addresses this topic.

The Myth of Romantic Love

In this sermon, Greg challenges the modern myth of romantic love, providing three reasons why it derails us from entering into a biblical view of marriage. Also, Emily Morrison provides a reframe for understanding how singleness plays a part in God’s family.

Blended Q&A

We wrapped up our Blended sermon series with a Q&A hosted by Greg Boyd, Sandra Unger and Kevin Callaghan. The audio and video media files, as well as the YouTube video, contain questions and answers from all three of our services on November 24/25, 2018.


This weekend, David wrapped up our Blended series with his sermon in which he modeled how we might unearth our roots, so that we might move forward in Jesus.

Where’s Mommy?

In the life of a Jesus follower, there is clear power in testimony. It has the ability to break down walls of mental defensiveness and justification, and speak directly to the deepest parts of another’s heart. We all carry wounds around with us as a result of the gap between what we needed and what we actually received. In this … Read More 

Jocks Don’t Change Diapers?

Today Sandra affirms that you don’t have to have suffered awful abuse or trauma in order to have stuff that you need to heal from. We all have baggage from our past, so she shares five strategies for healing.

Family Lines

In this sermon of our Blended series, David talks about what we may inherit from our biological ancestors, how these attributes may have shaped the lives of future generations, and how to love our families for who they are, just as God loves us.

A Tale of Two Families

Greg starts off the first sermon of our new series titled Blended by examining how to scripturally navigate our biological and spiritual family systems.

Risky Family

We often craft together ideal images of of what a “good Christian” family ought to look like. Images of the idealistic post-war, bourgeois nuclear families are more frequently articulated as the “biblical” family. But, is that accurate? Greg provides for us a snapshot of the various families portrayed throughout the biblical narrative. From Adam and Eve to Solomon and his many wives and concubines, to Abraham and Sarah, we gather a sense that “biblical” families are just as messy and dysfunctional as what we may witness today. The hope of the family unit is Christ! The Christ who works within the mess of it all to make something beautiful. Read More 

Hunger Games

We begin a new series this week on emotional intelligence and the roles this plays in our relationship. This week we take a look at the role Jesus plays in our relationships and the importance of letting Christ be the source of where we fulfill our need for love. Read More 

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"I really can't emphasize enough how much of a blessing WH has been to my wife and me. WH is the one place I feel comfortable to ask the “forbidden questions” and not feel like a heretic. God has used y'all to truly bless our lives."

– Jonathan