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Topic: Sexuality

Good News for Tamar

This is the first sermon of our Christmas series that explores the five women mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus found in Matthew. Here, the story of Tamar from Genesis 38 is told and we are introduced to what Christmas means for women in a culture that is shaped by misogyny.

God, Sex and Family

Please note that this message has some “PG-13” content that may not be suitable for kids. This panel discussion serves as a wrap-up to the series on sex, marriage and singleness, as the panelists address practical issues around these topics.

The Bottom Reframe

This two-part sermon provides an update on the state of what God has been doing in Woodland Hills Church,  followed by an exploration of Jesus’ teaching on the imagination and its relationship to adultery.

Imaginative Sex

First, Cedrick Baker provides a reflection on his thoughts after seeing the verdict of Derek Chauvin, along with more killings of black individuals at the hands of law enforcement. This was followed by a teaching from Greg on Jesus’ challenge to common views of adultery.

Two Preliminary Words: Race and Sex

This sermon offers two preliminary words about two difficult issues that are hot topics in our culture: race and sex.

Redeeming Pleasure

This week we heard from a guest speaker, Jeremy Jernigan, teach on the topic of his new book, Redeeming Pleasure. The topic of pleasure within the church has often been shied away from because of an assumption that pleasure is connected with guilt and shame. Jeremy emphasized the need to seek pleasure on God’s terms where we will experience maximum pleasure rather than seeking pleasure on our own terms which ultimately leads to less pleasure. Read More 

Immoral TOHU wa BOHU

TOHU wa BOHU is the term the Old Testaments writers used to describe the formless, empty and chaotic world before creation. In this sermon, Greg talks about how sexual immorality is outside of God’s plan for creation, and it leads us back to TOHU wa BOHU. If you are struggling with these issues and would like to speak with someone or you have experience dealing with this issues and would like to help others, please contact Andrew or Anita. Andrew – alangbehn@whchurch.org or 651-287-2062 Anita – abarton@whchurch.org or 651-287-2065 Read More 

Good Sex, Bad Sex

This weekend Woodland Hills joined in a national event called “Porn Sunday”. The goal of this weekend was to expose issues surrounding pornography and to openly discuss the effects it has on our society, marriages and children. Greg used this as a basis for his message to discuss ways pornogrophy jades our view of sex, contrasting it with God’s view of sex. Read More 


A Little Yeast

Everything in our lives is connected in some way to every other thing in our lives. We must be aware of this if we are truly to root out sin and manifest the Kingdom of God. The biblical image is that of yeast leavening a whole lump of dough, which is used both positively (Mat. 13:33) and negatively (2 Cor. 5:16). Sin—including festering anger, unforgiveness, resentment—works like yeast to penetrate deep into the lives of those affected; likewise, the Kingdom of God works like yeast transforming the whole for good as well. Therefore, we cannot really compartmentalize our lives. And as we begin to cooperate with the yeast of the Kingdom of God in our lives, we quickly find the world resisting us. Read More 


"Woodland Hills family, thank you so much for everything you all do. My life is blessed by your teaching and technology. I know there are so many behind the scenes people. "

– Denise