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Vessels Service Project

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Vessels is a group of people from 18 to 30s working on building intentional community together at Woodland Hills. Recently, the community held a service night to build shelving units and clean areas of the recently-completed tiny home warehouse.

This warehouse project is part of our partnership with Settled, an organization addressing homelessness through creating tiny home communities. Thanks to the fundraising efforts of our congregation, Woodland has turned  part of our unfinished space into a space where Settled can effectively organize their supplies and support volunteer crews, improving our ability to produce these tiny homes.

Danny Churchill, Emerging Generation Pastor, said, “We had been sensing it would be good to find a place to serve together and when this opportunity fell into our laps it felt like an answer to prayer! Getting to serve alongside one another helped to build a sense of togetherness in our group and all of the work went toward supporting folks experiencing homelessness.”

Learn more about Vessels here, and read about our partnership with Settled here.

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