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Lay Counselor

Woodland believes strongly in the importance of mental health. For that reason, attendees who cannot afford or access professional counseling are referred to our Lay Counseling ministry, the Renovation Counseling Center. We rely on the time, care and expertise of volunteers to run this program.

Volunteers start with a 9 month training* that meets weekly, then we ask our volunteers to commit to two years as counselors, meeting with clients on Monday nights. The commitment is high, because we want our counselors to be well prepared for helping people through the difficult situations they’re in. It can be challenging, but it’s an incredible privilege to walk with people through their growth and healing!

(*Please contact us if you’re interested in our training. We can let you know our schedule for the next session.)

Frequency: Once a week
Day of the Week: Monday
Time of Day: Evening
Contact Person: Rob
Phone: 651-287-3001
Email: rkistler@whchurch.org

Volunteer Now!


"We just started attending last summer and we love it! This past weekend the music was so beautiful, I felt the Holy Spirit there and wept the entire time. And then the message on relationships spoke right to my own struggles. God is here."

– Nicole