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Working Parents Fundraiser

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We made our goal!

We hoped to raise $15,000 to help families juggle jobs and kids during COVID, and we ended on $20,035. THANK YOU!

We all know that going back to school this fall is different than any other year. But for some working parents with younger kids, it’s a real crisis: they aren’t sure how they will be able to go to work because their kids need to do school at home. Summer arrangements were temporary, and now families are scrambling.

Cooperating on a Solution

In partnership with two of our on-site partners, we’re hosting an all-day program for kids in kindergarten to 6th grade!

  • Close to My Heart is the daycare that uses our facility, and they are licensed for school-aged students, in addition to the preschoolers they take care of.
  • The Lift is another of our long-term partners that does youth development work. With Close to My Heart, they will be providing support to help kids get the most out of their distance learning and activities, and also have some fun.

We did it – THANK YOU!

Here’s how you’re helping make this program a success: 

  • We’ve purchased computers for kids to share so they can get online with their schools and complete their homework.
  • We’re offering partial scholarships for Woodland Hills families who can’t cover the cost.
  • COVID-related safety equipment is being and has been purchased.
  • We’re also helping support the cost of tutors.
  • The program will remain in place as long as it’s needed this year. We anticipate the number of children we’re serving will vary from week to week as various school districts’ plans continue to evolve.
  • Leftover funds will be used to supplement building improvements in our South Wing, where the program will be hosted.

Thank you for helping us meet this need! We want to continue doing what we can to support working parents who are having to make difficult decisions about their work and their kids. Together, we we’re working to serve families in this stressful season!

One thought on “Working Parents Fundraiser

  1. Margaret says:

    Do you need any volunteer tutors? via ZOOM. I am an experienced tutor in all levels of Mathematics.

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