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Recent Sermons

In addition to sermon audio and video files, many of our sermons have other resources available like extended summaries and study guides. Our archive dates back to 1992 and all resources are free to download and distribute. Most sermons are by our Senior Pastor, Greg Boyd.

Having it “Just So”

• Greg Boyd

The choices we make often result in more stressful lives, which, in turn, “stresses God out.” In our quest to have everything “just so” (from our cereal to our vehicles to our neighborhoods), the majority of churches do not reflect the diverse body of Christ.

Topics: Community, Sacrifice

The Passion Movie Q&A

• Greg Boyd, Paul Eddy

After watching The Passion of the Christ, did you or an unbelieving friend leave the theater with unanswered questions? Perhaps you’re wondering, “Did that really happen? Who was Jesus? Why were his last hours so important that a movie star was willing to pay for the production of a film depicting them?” On March 16, 2004, Greg gave a presentation and answered audience questions about the claims of Jesus and the New Testament. Presentation | Audience Q&A

Topics: Controversial Issues, Defense of Christian Faith

A Little Bitty Minnow in a Big Flash Flood

• Greg Boyd

Americans are busier than ever -- many would say their lives are out of control. Is this how God intended us to live? Greg introduces this topic through numerous real-life examples, including the perfect example: Jesus' life. And guess what...he rested!

Topics: Simplicity

The Passion for Worship

• Greg Boyd

Greg briefly contrasted learning “about” a relationship with God while listening to a sermon to “doing” your relationship with God through worship. The first is a passive task, while the latter is active and requires us to involve our heart, soul, mind, body and strength. Because both sermons and worship play an important role in spiritual development, one should not be neglected in favor of the other.

Topics: Worship

Reconciling Churches

• Paul Eddy, Sandra Unger

Both Sandra and Paul spoke about the many ways that the Church has failed in its health as a body. Much of the history of the Church reveals the tragedy of its inner conflicts. However, if a church or denomination claims Christ as its center, then we had better be prepared to be united with them!

Topics: Community, Conflict, Reconciliation

Fasting with Our Finances

• Greg Boyd

The Bible speaks more about greed and injustice against those who are poor than any other particular sin. We are the richest country in the world, and we are fooling ourselves if we do not think that the words “to whom much is given much is required” apply to us. Greg was concerned that we not be trapped in guilt; at the same time, we must evaluate our habits and priorities in light of the war zone in which we live.

Topics: Money

What’s Really Real?

• Dwayne Polk

Our being unconscious of something does not necessarily mean that it is not real. It could just as well be that we are simply ignorant of that reality for any number of reasons. Reconciliation as described in the Bible is very real, but it must be made known and manifested in our midst if people are going to believe in it and in the One who accomplished it.

Topics: Reconciliation, Spiritual Warfare

Why Reconcile?

• Paul Eddy, Sandra Unger

There is bad news, and we need to hear it if we are to make any sense of the good news. The bad news is we are broken. Broken in our own lives, in our lives with each other as human beings, and broken in our spiritual lives. How did we end up so broken, and what are we to do about it?

Topics: Kingdom of God, Reconciliation, Sin

The Sanctified Imagination

• Greg Boyd

The life of faith is not really about information. It is about a dynamic relationship with the living God! We need to “set apart” our imaginations for God so that God can shape us at the level of our dreams and aspirations. God uses our imaginations as a place for us to meet Christ in a very real way so that we can understand who Christ is, and what God is calling us to.

Topics: Imagination

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"For so many years, I have been blessed by your music ministry. It takes me to a place that evokes so many emotions and feelings: gratefulness; honor; love; joy; hope; peace; strength. My heart feels connected to the heart of God over and over again as we worship together."

– WH Attender