This unique sermon is a challenge by four individuals who reflect on different aspects of being God’s unified people in the midst of diversity—a reality that is a gift of God—and divisiveness—a reality that is a mud pit of Satan. The four perspectives call us to put our weight into the dream of God’s gloriously diverse, but unified, kingdom where … Read More
Dan Kent challenges us with the words of the Apostle Paul to respond to polarization by letting our gentleness show. He explains what gentleness is and is not, and outlines the inherent power and the freedom we experience when we obey this command to gentleness.
In this introductory sermon to the new series, Political Distortions, Greg Boyd and Bill Doherty provide a framework for why God’s kingdom people are challenged to provide an alternative to the political polarizations that pervade our current reality. They also offer some initial guidance in how we can practice this alternative.
Faith is about capturing a vision of what can be and having a conviction that stirs up action to move toward it. This faith also pertains to the pursuit of racial reconciliation. God has a dream for racial reconciliation that has not yet been fully realized, but as we see God’s vision, we can put our weight toward it, leaning … Read More
In remembrance of Martin Luther King Jr., Greg engages the teaching of King to challenge the church to continue God’s call to tear down walls that divide people along racial lines.
This week, panelists address questions submitted about issues around race and God’s Kingdom.
On the eve of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Greg talks about how spiritual warfare is rooted in the war between light and darkness, and how MLK taught us to offer light in the midst of that darkness.
Jesus’ teaching style draws you in with something you “think” you know, and then just turns it on its head. He was literally challenging the common thinking of the day.
This sermon offers two preliminary words about two difficult issues that are hot topics in our culture: race and sex.
After a brief introduction, Greg invites panel participants to give insight and practical direction on dealing with interpersonal conflict and reconciliation.