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Recent Sermons

In addition to sermon audio and video files, many of our sermons have other resources available like extended summaries and study guides. Our archive dates back to 1992 and all resources are free to download and distribute. Most sermons are by our Senior Pastor, Greg Boyd.

Igniting the Kingdom

• Scott Boren

When Jesus came, as prophesied in this passage by John the Baptist, he ignited a kingdom fire. This was much more than a social or a political restructuring so that people could have better lives. This kingdom fire came to work from the inside out. It starts with the heart, then moves outward into actions and lastly into social and political structures.

The Spirit, the Kingdom and Politics

• Scott Boren

Following a recent article in the New York Times, Scott revisited some of the questions raised by Greg in his sermon series, “The Cross and the Sword.” As a new pastor at Woodland Hills, he told about how he first learned of the sermon series and the responses people had to it. Discussing the differences between the kingdom of this world and the Kingdom of God, Scott pointed out that as Christians, we are to belong first and foremost to God's Kingdom, while still being engaged with what is happening in the world, but laying aside political differences when it comes to the body of Christ.

Topics: Kingdom of God, Politics

Calling Down Fire

• Greg Boyd

The kingdom of God revolution is all about revealing God’s radical love and “good news” to the world. A central aspect to this kingdom is the Spirit of God operating within believers in empowerment and comfort. It is the first thing that John the Baptist mentions about Jesus and his ministry… “He (Jesus) will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire” (Luke 3:16). The Spirit of God is spoken of throughout the Bible and has been commonly referred to as the Holy Spirit, which is the third person in the Trinity (God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit).

Topics: Holy Spirit, Power

Buried and Risen with Christ

• Greg Boyd

In a section of his letter to the church at Rome, the apostle Paul speaks about the Kingdom of God and how human life is shaped by that Kingdom. This is emphasized in the way Paul uses baptism in his discussion. He encourages his audience to look upon their baptism experience to recall who they really are and to whom they really belong. Our baptism actively demonstrates the burial of our old lives without Christ as well as the renewal of our lives in Christ.

Topics: Baptism, Identity in Christ

Renouncing Satan, His Works and His Pomp

• Greg Boyd

Baptism is a public confession of faith in Christ. It is a renunciation of living the way the world lives, with all of its lures and traps, and pledging to live a life that is solely for Christ. It is a life that is radically distinct from the ways of the world. One of the first mentions of baptism following Christ’s resurrection is found in the book of Acts (2:37-38). In this passage, the apostle Peter speaks to those who just heard the “good news” of Jesus, and tells them to: “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.”

Topics: Baptism, Repentance, Salvation

Don’t Go Down with the Ship

• Annie Perdue-Olson

Our world is often filled with stress and trials. As discouragement builds in our lives, we have a natural desire to build up defensive walls to protect ourselves from being hurt by a hurtful world. Unfortunately, these defenses can lead toward increasing self-centeredness, frustration, and even unbelief against God. The biblical author of the “Hebrews” letter understood this behavior pattern well. In chapter 3, the author uses a tragic story to speak a word about something important and urgent: the need for encouragement.

Topics: Hope, Relationships

Baptized into the Revolution

• Greg Boyd

The Kingdom of God is like a mustard seed (see Mark 4:30-32). It is a revolution that is quietly growing, but will one day come to full fruition. Christ has planted the seed by first coming to redeem us. He will one day return to reap the harvest, purging the world of all that is inconsistent with his Kingdom and restoring creation as it was meant to be. As followers of Christ, we have the opportunity to participate in this future Kingdom reality, today. Like John the Baptist, we are preparing the way of the Lord. One sign of this mustard seed revolution is seen through the baptism of believers.

Topics: Baptism

Just Do It

• Brenda Salter-McNeil

There comes a time in everyone's life where the wine runs out, when the excitement ends, life turns out to be less than you thought it would be or your accomplishments feel empty. Based on John 2:1-11, the questions that were raised are, “What will you do?” “Where do you go?” and “Who do you turn to?” Mary shows us that in a crisis the person you want there and to whom you turn is Jesus.

Topics: Faith, Fear

Washed and Ready

• Greg Boyd

Baptism is a crucial element of the Body of Christ, the church. It's been a staple among Christians for literally thousands of years. In his third chapter, Luke makes implicit and explicit points that shed light on the Kingdom of God, including the significance of baptism. Luke's writing shows him to be a good and serious historian. Like other historians of his time, he used the reigns of important rulers, like Caesar and Pilate, to let the audience know the time and date when he’s writing yet he chose to focus his perspective on God's activities in human history, specifically the coming Messiah.

Topics: Baptism, Defense of Christian Faith

The Foundation of Wisdom

• Greg Boyd

Jesus is the perfect, sinless human being who models what human existence in God's kingdom should look like. He demonstrates a life of increasing growth and learning in the ways of God. Jesus lived a life where he learned from his life experiences and gained insights into what life is really all about...all to God's glory. As we live like Jesus, we are to have lives where we, too, increase in growing in wisdom.

Topics: Fear, Transformation

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"We just started attending last summer and we love it! This past weekend the music was so beautiful, I felt the Holy Spirit there and wept the entire time. And then the message on relationships spoke right to my own struggles. God is here."

– Nicole