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Recent Sermons

In addition to sermon audio and video files, many of our sermons have other resources available like extended summaries and study guides. Our archive dates back to 1992 and all resources are free to download and distribute. Most sermons are by our Senior Pastor, Greg Boyd.

The Lord’s Messiah

• Greg Boyd

According to the Old Testament and Jewish tradition, the Messiah would be anointed to be three things: 1) a priest (mediating God-Israel relation) 2) a warrior (liberating Israel from oppressive powers) 3) a king (ruling Israel in truth and justice). These were the expectations of the first century Jews. Jesus came and fulfilled these expectations but did so in an unexpected way. He was and is all these things, but in a way much different, and far deeper, than Jews at the time understood. He “over-fulfilled” the expectations.

Topics: Defense of Christian Faith

Holding the Hope

• Greg Boyd

In our world today, we are exposed to so many things that can cause us to be worried or anxious. Yet, in Christ we have hope that this life is not all that there is. In Christ we can have hope and know that he can bring peace into our lives, even in the midst of living within a terrifying and hopeless world. As believers in Christ, we have God’s Holy Spirit dwelling within us to help us live out Christ’s hope to those who fear in this world. Like Simeon, we know that God keeps his promises, and that he has revealed his son, Jesus, to redeem all humanity and to give us peace.

Topics: Fear, Hope

A Pigeon, a Lion and Deep Magic

• Greg Boyd

God’s love and mercy for us is fully revealed in the person of Jesus Christ. Christ did not come to hold back the wrath of God; rather He came to deliver us from the bondage of Satan. Through sin, we are made slaves to Satan’s dominion. However, through Christ’s death on the cross, we are bought back from the power of sin and death. The sacrifices of the Old Testament remind us of the consequences of sin and point to a time when Christ would pay the price of sin for all who choose to believe in Him.

Topics: Sacrifice, Salvation, Sin

The Power of Weakness

• Brenda Salter-McNeil

God’s kingdom is paradoxical. The paradox is displayed in how God uses our weaknesses to make us strong. In spite of our weaknesses, God uses us to bring about His kingdom. The things in our lives that we see as weaknesses or stumbling blocks are actually opportunities for God to reveal to us his power and strength in us and through us.

Topics: Humility, Power, Reconciliation

Fear Not – It’s Good News

• Greg Boyd

Like the shepherds whom the angel of the Lord spoke to, God wants us to know that we do not need to be afraid of Him. His character in the person of Jesus Christ displays His love for us. The message of His love is good news! Out of this abundant relationship with Jesus, comes a desire to share this good news with others.

Topics: Fear, Identity in Christ, Salvation

Bear Hug from a Manger

• Greg Boyd

In an age when rulers were given titles like “savior” and “lord”, the true Savior of the world was born. The birth of Christ brought about a Kingdom that looks very different from the way the kingdoms of this world operate. In a lowly manger, God declared that his Kingdom was not of this world and that his love and salvation would embrace all of human kind.

Topics: Kingdom of God, Power

According to Your Faith

• Greg Boyd

As believers in Jesus Christ, we are a part of a community who lives by faith. Faith is defined in the book of Hebrews (11:1) as the substance of things hoped for, the conviction/assurance of things not seen. By faith, we believe that God desires to build His Kingdom in us and through us. He wants to rule in every aspect of our lives. This includes our hearts, minds, and relationships. But, it also includes our bodies. Faith involves believing that God can restore and bring healing.

Topics: Faith, Healing

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"I was incredibly blessed by everyone who came out to the clean-up event to serve neighborhood seniors. It literally brought me to tears knowing that there are amazing people out there restoring my hope in what it means to love and serve each other."

– Merrick Community Services staff member