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Recent Sermons

In addition to sermon audio and video files, many of our sermons have other resources available like extended summaries and study guides. Our archive dates back to 1992 and all resources are free to download and distribute. Most sermons are by our Senior Pastor, Greg Boyd.

Good News-ing

• Greg Boyd, Stephanie Danielson

Evangelism is important. However, there’s a lot of baggage that comes with the term and how we are to evangelize to others. In this sermon, Greg Boyd and Stephanie Danielson share with us how to spread the gospel by living a life that compels others towards Jesus.

Topics: Evangelism, Kingdom of God, Prayer

Hanging in the Balance

• Greg Boyd

The Bible shows us that our prayers make a difference in this world. Yet, our picture of God doesn’t always line up with that truth. In this sermon, Greg shows how the world operates when it comes to our prayer and what a difference it makes.

Topics: God's Will, Power, Prayer

Giving Up Good Intentions

• Jeremy Jernigan

Have you ever noticed that we tend to judge others by their actions and ourselves by our intentions? In this sermon, Jeremy Jernigan shows us the story of Simon Peter, and how our faith can be get stuck when we think about our past failures and that faith happens in the disappointment of failure.

Topics: Faith, Faithfulness, Guilt

Resurrection Principle

• Greg Boyd

On Easter, it is important to remember Christ’s resurrection and the meaning, purpose and principle behind it. In this sermon, Greg shows how the meaning of Jesus’ resurrection has changed over time and how we should be looking at it.

Topics: Fear, Hope, Resurrection

Good Friday 2014

• Greg Boyd

Good Friday is the day when we remember Jesus’ work on the Cross. This year, Greg take a look at the Cross through the eyes of Peter.

Rescuing Revelation: Q&A

• Greg Boyd, Paul Eddy

During our weekend services on April 12 and 13, we hosted Q&A sessions with Greg Boyd, our Senior Pastor, and Paul Eddy, our Teaching Pastor. We included all three services, so enjoy listening to ALL the answers.

The New Jerusalem Bride

• Greg Boyd

Revelation provides us with a beautiful vision of the future as well as a way to live in the here and now. In this sermon, Greg shows us how the symbolism of Jerusalem and the Bride shows God’s heart for creation and our holiness.

Topics: Community, End Times, Heaven

Holy War

• Greg Boyd

In our contemporary Christianity, there is a pervasive view that God acts violently during the end times. But this view stands in contradiction to the Cross and Jesus’ teachings to love our neighbors. In this sermon, Greg shows how God does not act violently in Revelation and instead shows how lamb-like love wins.

Topics: Controversial Issues, End Times, Judgment

The Lamb’s Roar

• Shawna Boren

The Book of Revelation was written to seven churches that were facing persecution for their faith. This week we look at the words Jesus gave to them in order to encourage them to endure during their suffering.

Topics: End Times, Pain & Suffering, Power

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"We just started attending last summer and we love it! This past weekend the music was so beautiful, I felt the Holy Spirit there and wept the entire time. And then the message on relationships spoke right to my own struggles. God is here."

– Nicole