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Recent Sermons

In addition to sermon audio and video files, many of our sermons have other resources available like extended summaries and study guides. Our archive dates back to 1992 and all resources are free to download and distribute. Most sermons are by our Senior Pastor, Greg Boyd.

Rediscover Humility

• Greg Boyd

Jesus commanded His followers to love, and He commanded us not to judge. Yet the Christians of today are known outside of the Church as arrogant, judgmental, and intolerant. What is wrong with this picture?! In this message, Greg shares three ideas on how we, who say we follow Jesus, can truly become the humble, serving, loving people that the Church is supposed to be.

Topics: Humility, Judgment, Love

Rediscover the Resurrection

• Greg Boyd

This Easter we heard from Greg Boyd on how the resurrection confirms that Jesus is the true revelation of God. Jesus is the exact representation of God and the truth is that the mercy of God triumphs over judgment. It is our task to align or re-align our picture of God with the person of Jesus seen in the resurrection.

Topics: Identity in Christ, Resurrection, Transformation

Creating Ripples

• Seth McCoy

In this sixth and last installment of the Everyday Influence series, Seth explores the positive ripple effect of us sharing the impact Jesus has had on our life. We don’t share the good news for a variety of reasons, but the promise of scripture is that if we show up and share, God will provide the power to our words that has the potential to change hearts. We don’t have to be perfect; in fact that’s part of the good news. Our story, infused with the power of the Holy Spirit, is enough.

Topics: Evangelism, Faithfulness

The Vocation of Serving

• Sandra Unger

For the fifth installment of our Everyday Influence series, Sandra shares her own life example of being stuck in a “box” of self-proclaimed righteousness, and how she realized that we are all in the same box: the big box of “screw-ups.” It is within this big box that Jesus dwells, and does his great work.

Topics: Calling, Evangelism, Judgment

Following Promptings

• Seth McCoy

We can all struggle to hear and obey God at times – but why? Is it that we’re not listening well? Or that we’re afraid that we might not like what we hear? We’re not alone in those realities – even Jesus’ disciples found themselves there, hiding from others and living in fear. But when they received the Holy Spirit, they had supernatural help to overcome their fears – and so do we! The truth is, we shouldn’t be afraid of what will happen if we listen to the Holy Spirit, we should be afraid of what we’ll miss out on if we don’t!

Topics: Evangelism, Fear, Holy Spirit

Everybody’s Got A Hungry Heart

• Greg Boyd

In this third installment of the Everyday Influence evangelism series, Greg shares how the real good news is meant to impact all of our relationships, especially with those that don’t know Jesus. We were created with an innermost need and desire for significance and value that only God can satisfy. We were also born into an environment filled with lies and deception about how that desire is to be satisfied. Our call to share the good news starts with our experience of the good news. Greg shares how listening and learning are just as important in evangelizing as speaking and sharing. As the saying goes, no one cares how much you know until they know how much you care.

Topics: Evangelism, Humility, Kingdom of God

We Are Priests

• Seth McCoy

This week we heard from Seth McCoy during our second installment from the Everyday Influence series. Seth explored how being a priest is the best, hardest and most important job in the world. The primary role of being a priest is in learning how to give and receive mercy based on the good news of the Gospel.

Topics: Evangelism, Forgiveness, Grace

The Story of Salvation

• Greg Boyd

The first in our new sermon series about evangelism, Greg takes a look at the message itself. He looks at the most frequent (and often cringe-worthy) ways the “good news” is often presented, and then helps us see the really good news that we should be sharing.

Topics: Evangelism, Forgiveness, Salvation

Extending Freedom

• Greg Boyd

“When Jesus saw THEIR faith, he said… ‘Son, YOUR sins are forgiven… Pick up your mat and walk.’” Satan tries to isolate us, but the truth is that everything in the Kingdom is in relationship. We NEED others, and others NEED us! To allow the Enemy to keep us from sharing God’s blessings is to remain in a cage of deception – but to love others as best we can, even though we’re still imperfect ourselves, is to be set free!   We sat down with Jim to hear some of his story. Click here to see that interview.

Topics: Faith, Healing, Relationships

Custom Made Cages

• Greg Boyd

This week we heard from Greg Boyd during our fourth installment from the Cage Free series. Greg explored the custom made cages that can be built overtime in our soul and the need to perform consistent soul audits. The enemy will take advantage of any area of wounding to lie to us about our real worth. We need to sit with God to become aware of these wounds, allow God to remind us of how much we are loved, and come up with a plan with God and others for how to move beyond this place of woundedness.   We also sat down with Laure to hear some of her story. Click here to watch that interview.

Topics: Identity in Christ, Spiritual Warfare, Temptation

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"I began listening to WHC podcasts a little over 3 years ago and my spiritual life became extremely rich as a result. I have learned so much!"

– Scott