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When Civil Rights leader John Lewis advocated for a holiday to honor Martin Luther King, Jr., he called for a “national day of service.” He urged for “a day on, not a day off”. This attitude of service is the same attitude of Jesus who, “did not come to be served but to serve.” So we are taking up this challenge for a “day on” of serving and turning it into a “month on” with a church-wide Serve-a-thon! Read More 

New Series: The Flock of the Lamb

This week, we continue our series on Revelation, The Unveiling, with part 5: The Flock of the Lamb! In Chapter 7, we see the throne of the Lamb surrounded by an uncountable multitude of people. Every part of humanity is represented, free of division, embraced in God’s love and gathered in cascading circles of exuberant worship. Read More 

2024 Kids Christmas Story

We’ve continued the tradition of curating a special story for kids this Christmas Eve! Back by popular demand, this year’s story is a “Color Your Own Adventure” which means that you get to decide how the story goes! Read More 

A Merry SEM Christmas

Although most interactions in our School of Everyday Mission (SEM) happen during online classes, the SEM experience emphasizes relationships, and students are intentional about connecting outside the classroom, whether through a lively WhatsApp chat or informal meetups. Read More 

Seeking Christmas: Nativity Scenes

Our Christmas series branding featured nine nativity sets from around the world. We wanted to share these beautiful scenes up close, so you can enjoy the creativity and artistry! Read More 

Today’s Harvest Grand Opening

It happened—Today’s Harvest, our newest partner, has launched! Today’s Harvest is a free food market open six days a week for anyone in need of fresh healthy food. Read More 

Christmas Eve Service

Join us on Christmas Eve for a special service! In addition to worship and teaching time, we have a few things that will make this service special. Read More 

Kickoff to Christmas with Heroes Gate

What comes before Christmas? Advent!

At Heroes Gate’s Kickoff to Christmas Advent event, families came together to play Bingo and eat treats. After reading a chapter together, each kiddo also got an Advent book to take home. Read More 

Blood Drive: Thanks!

Congrats, we hit our goal with 33 donors—including 5 first time donors—providing  39 units of blood!  So whether you donated here at Woodland or somewhere else, we want to say a big “Thank you!” You are making a life-saving difference! Read More 

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"I was incredibly blessed by everyone who came out to the clean-up event to serve neighborhood seniors. It literally brought me to tears knowing that there are amazing people out there restoring my hope in what it means to love and serve each other."

– Merrick Community Services staff member