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New Series: The Center of Hope

How can we not only get through hard times, but thrive and grow in spite of them? Drawing on his own experience with chronic back pain, Greg takes an unflinching look at what it means to suffer, and how to remain centered on hope. Read More 

What is… The Arts Group?

The arts group is a space for open conversation, collective artistic exploration and grace. My hope is it becomes a place where we can link arms to encourage and sharpen each other as sub-creators made in the image of a creative God. Read More 

Music Fest 2023 Photos

Music Fest 2023 was a blast! We enjoyed a solo acoustic set from Zuriel Adam, a duo jazzy set from J Squared and ended with some rockin’ hits from Not Dead Yet! We enjoyed grilled food and Nelson’s Ice Cream, bubbles and sidewalk chalk, bean bag toss and sunshine — not to mention lots of dancing! 🎶 Read More 

Unraveling Truth Questions…

It lasted longer than anticipated, but our Unraveling Truth sermon series has come to an end! You might remember throughout this series, we asked you some short but thought-provoking questions about God, Jesus, salvation, hell and more… Read More 

2023 Summer Photo Scavenger Hunt

Throughout our Summer Get-Together weekend (July 14-16), snap and share photos of the fun to enter to win one of five $50 Amazon gift cards! Each photo prompt on the list enters you into the drawing… Read More 

Echo Summer Retreat 2023

Over the weekend of June 9-11, the Echo kids (our 7th-12th grade ministry) went on their annual Summer Retreat to Camp JIM! Check out the photo gallery… Read More 

What are… Sojourners Missional Communities?

A space that offers the larger Woodland Hills community a smaller-scale community where we can get to know each other more deeply, meet practical needs, become Kingdom family and find support in serving those outside the church together. Read More 

Baptism Classes

On Sunday, July 16 right after the service, we’ll be holding a Summer Baptism as part of our Summer Get-Together. In preparation for this important declaration of faith, we’d like those interested to attend a series of three baptism classes. Read More 

Summer Get-Together 2023

We had a blast last year, and we’re so excited for our 2023 Summer Get-Together! Save the date for the weekend of July 14, 15 and 16. We have some fun things planned! Read More 

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"I began listening to WHC podcasts a little over 3 years ago and my spiritual life became extremely rich as a result. I have learned so much!"

– Scott