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Heart-formation in SEM

Woodland’s School of Everyday Mission (SEM) is a three year online discipleship school that focuses on equipping and shaping the hearts of Jesus-followers to serve others. While many of us think about school as a place of information, SEM emphasizes formation—moving what we learn from our heads to our hearts. Read More 

What is… Vessels?

In one sentence Vessels is: Woodland’s young adult ministry, and they meet on Monday nights for a meal, worship and prayer. But Vessels is much more than just a time and event! We talked with a few people active in Vessels recently, and they said that Vessels is… Read More 

2022 Kids Christmas Story

Each year, Woodland continues the tradition of sharing a story with kids on Christmas Eve. This year’s story is titled When the Lights Go Out, and it was written and illustrated by Emily and Hannah from our Communications team! You can download both the coloring book version, and the colored-in version of the story here. Read More 

Christmas Lights Fundraiser

This season during our Christmas Lights sermon series, we want to bless these ministries, who are already a light in communities – both near and far! Read More 

Salvation Army Toy Shop Recap

If you’ve been around the building at all this past week, you may have noticed cars lined up outside… and even more of a site, the Gathering Area transformed into what could be mistaken for Santa’s workshop!

One of our Seasonal Partnerships is with the Salvation Army Toy Shop, who distribute toys for children who may not otherwise receive a Christmas gift. Read More 

Blood Drive Success

Thanks to anyone who was able to donate at our first blood drive, on-site right here at Woodland!
It was a great success, and Red Cross said we did amazing for our first ever blood drive. We certainly aim to set up more in the future! Read More 

Rick’s Route: Volunteering with Open Arms

On Sundays, hundreds of people come in and out of Door A at Woodland Hills, but on Wednesdays, it’s a small band of people sitting outside the doors laughing and chatting. These are the volunteer drivers for Open Arms of Minnesota. Read More 

With a Grateful Heart 2022 Photo Gallery

Thank you to all who came out for this year’s With a Grateful Heart event! What a lovely time spent together, enjoying warm drinks and pie, and experiencing what some of the gifted artists in our community have to offer. Read More 

Salvation Army Toy Shop

One of the Seasonal Partnerships we’ve had over the years is with the Salvation Army Toy Shop, who use our building as a distribution site. We’re excited to again be hosting the Toy Shop this December 13-15!

The Twin Cities Salvation Army provides toys for thousands of children who may not otherwise receive a Christmas gift. They’re one of the largest providers of toys in the area. Read More 

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"My counselor emailed me the True You sermon from your Overwhelmed series to help me believe who God says I am, which was a game changer for sure."

– MK, from Arizona