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Podrishioner Profile: John Mike Guzman Jr.

“I think it’s so important to approach each other with love as Christ has love for each of us.”

John has spent most of his life seeking to understand others, and has been fortunate enough to travel around the world meeting people from all different backgrounds. He echoes Woodland’s thoughts that tribalism is a problem in our culture, as much of the world is becoming polarized and divided into like-minded segments of people. As Greg puts it, “We’re losing the capacity to talk with one another. The division is incredible.” Read More 

Music Fest Photos!

It was a beautiful evening to get down and boogie together! Thanks to everyone who joined us on the front lawn for live music and fellowship. Here are some fun snapshots to brighten your day! Read More 

God Our Refuge

We are excited to host a traveling student art exhibit entitled, ​​God Our Refuge, A Safe Place in Time of Trouble. It’s on display in the Gathering Area and it consists of fourteen works of art created by high school students from across the Twin Cities. Along with the art, the students have included written statements about how they have found strength in their faith during the troubling times of the pandemic. Read More 

2021 Baptism Highlights

Sunday, July 25 was a heartwarming day at Lake Phalen, as we gathered together to celebrate baptism. There were smiles all around and cheers as our brothers and sisters came up out of the water raised with Christ. Read More 

New Series: Seekers, Saints and Sinners

Jesus is good news! He’s good news for seekers, good news for saints and good news for sinners.
Christians in our culture used to assume that people would show up to our church and we would welcome them when they did. Or, we might invite a friend to “come to church” and then let the sermon do the rest. Read More 

Volunteer with Echo!

Echo, our youth ministry for 7th-12th graders, is in need of volunteers! Okay, but what is Echo like? What am I getting myself into? A recap from this year’s Catalyst retreat gives a peek behind the scenes of what Echo is all about. Read More 

Music Fest 2021

Are you ready for some summer fun? Music Fest is just around the corner and we don’t want you to miss out! Join us on Wednesday, August 18 for a night you won’t forget! Bring your appetite because we’ll have some delicious food available for purchase. Melz’s Authentic and Fresh Taco Truck is back by popular demand. We’ll also have tasty Cookie Cart cookies to curb your sweet tooth. Read More 

Baptism Celebration

On Sunday, July 25, the whole church is invited to do this very thing at Lake Phalen Beach. After the 10am service has ended, we’ll give everyone some time to go home, grab lunch and catch a quick nap before heading over to the waterfront. The baptism begins at 1pm. Together we’ll be a beautiful harmony of witnesses. Read More 

Podrishioner Profile: Sharon Esser Griffin

In 2007, Sharon experienced the tragic loss of her husband, Jim, to cancer. She said, “At the time, I was surrounded by Christians who were convinced of the Lord’s promises of healing, contingent on our degree of faith, the fervor of our prayers, the number of people praying, anointing with oil and the laying on of hands. There was an unstated but understood formula that we were to follow and if we did it right, God was obligated to act.” Sharon, Jim and all their friends poured every ounce of their energy into believing in miraculous healing.  Read More 

Who Can Baptize?

Do you remember the story of Philip baptizing the Ethiopian man in Acts 8:36-40? After hearing the good news about Jesus, the man asked, “What can stand in the way of my being baptized?” Philip answered, “If you believe with all your heart, you may.” The Ethiopian replied, “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.” So they went down to the water and Philip baptized him. Read More 

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"I have battled anxiety for years, searching for something to help me overcome fear. I believe that through your sermons, I have found truth and I am more convinced of the extravagant love of God than ever. I finally feel like I am on the journey out of the darkness."

– Amanda, from Nebraska