As Kingdom people, we get countless opportunities to join with the Spirit to change the world. Since 2018, we’ve been partnering with Settled in their work to develop Sacred Settlements of tiny homes to welcome the most despised, unloved and unwanted outcasts of society into a loving, supportive community. But we’re not the only ones! In the past three years, … Read More
Families with kiddos, join us this Friday for an Advent Activities Box Pick-up Parade! Stay in your car, drive by and pick up an Advent box for the month of December for your family. Please register for a box so we have enough! Read More
In these tumultuous times, it’s important to remember the power of thanksgiving. To keep gratitude at the forefront of our minds, we’ve asked Woodland creatives to submit art, stories, photos and poetry to a Fall Gratitude Journal. We hope it brings you encouragement and inspiration this holiday season. Together, we can appreciate God’s goodness. Read More
December is just around the corner and that means Christmas! But before we get to Christmas, we’ll be celebrating the four weeks of Advent, and we are looking for volunteers to join us in a unique way. Read More
To all our crafty people: we’ve got a warm and snuggly project for you! This Christmas, we are gathering blankets and masks for the Maplewood Shelter. It’s something they always need and it’s a fun family project, too. Read More
This year, we begin our Advent celebration on Sunday, December 6th. (Yeah, for you ardent Advent followers out there, we know we’re off a week, but planning got a little wonky!) Maybe some of the rest of you haven’t given much thought to Advent before, so here’s a little crash course. Read More
As we head into this holiday season, be flavorful and shine your light. It will make all the difference! Read More
The Medders have seen so many examples of God’s faithfulness throughout the years. They’ve found good things to be thankful for despite difficult circumstances. Read More
Salt and light are two of the most basic essentials of life, and in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus uses them to describe our essential role as Kingdom people. The basic role of salt is to preserve and flavor. The basic role of light is to dispel the dark. As God’s people, our basic role is to bring the distinct flavor of the Kingdom into the world, and to use our light to push out the kingdom of darkness. Read More
The One Fund has set a new goal to raise one million dollars by the anniversary of George Floyd’s death (May 25, 2021). As part of that overall project, churches across Minnesota are working to raise $111,000 by November 1. Join us as we seek to come alongside the Black Church as they faithfully serve vulnerable communities. Read More