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Welcome Weekend

Welcome Weekend

Join us for Welcome Weekend, September 7 and 8 to learn how to get involved and find connections at Woodland Hills! This fall we have something going on almost every day of the week: Mondays Life on Purpose: Spiritual Formation Groups: Explore practices that lead to a greater capacity to love God, yourself and others Lay Counseling: Receive counseling as … Read More 

Music Fest 2019 Photos

On Wednesday, August 14 we hosted Music Fest 2019! Thanks to The Mighty Revivals, Ten20, Reception of Four and Spooky Tanya for playing at the event, and to everybody who came out. It was a great night with awesome people, groovy music and wonderful weather! Read More 

Heroes Gate Kids Choir

Heroes Gate Kids Choir

Announcing Heroes Gate Kids Choir: Connecting Kids Through Song! Kids in grades 2-5 are encouraged to join us on Sundays from 10:15 to 10:45 starting September 8. Heroes Gate Kids Choir will be performing for events at Woodland Hills this fall! Read More 

School Supplies Drive

It’s back to school time! However, many parents are unable to provide the basic school supplies their children need, and schools across the country are facing severe budget cuts, resulting in lack of funds to purchase necessary supplies. We’re happy to be partnering with Merrick, The Lift, and Voice in the Wilderness to help these families start the school year off with confidence, through purchasing backpacks filled with supplies. Read More 

Podrishioner Profile: Eric and Terri

by Paige Slighter Eric and Terri’s connection with Woodland Hills began as they searched for answers with their agnostic son. He was raised in a Christian home and studied at a Christian university, but he saw drastic inconsistencies that troubled him. Terri remembers, “His journey and quest for answers caused my husband and myself to grow in our faith. Today … Read More 

Baptism 2019 Recap

Last weekend we had our annual All Church Baptism at Lake Phalen! It was an absolutely beautiful day, and many folks came out to either take this next step in their faith, or to celebrate and show support for their friends and loved ones who had. Here are some photos from the beach! Read More 

Tiny Home Makes Its First Public Appearance!

Last weekend, thousands of youth from around the country came to Minneapolis for the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod conference. 1,200 of them participated in an interactive experience on homelessness, including a visit to the tiny house prototype built by Woodland volunteers in collaboration with the nonprofit, Settled. Visitors were asked questions to provoke new ways of thinking about homelessness. Instead of … Read More 

Our Baptism Story: Michael and Monica

Michael and Monica were so grateful to share this special experience together. Since then they have been living out what Michael calls “Phase Two” of their faith. For them, baptism is not the end, but the beginning of a new deeper journey with God. Michael says, “It’s just a reminder we’re not done yet.” Read More 

Trout Lake Day Camp Photos

This past week our children’s ministry, Heroes Gate, hosted Trout Lake Day Camp in our building! Kids from kindergarten through 5th grade came to enjoy the camp experience with giant inflatables, water games, engaging learning, and more! Here are a few photos. Read More 

COFHED Construction Update

Nick and Madeleine Avignon are Haitian-born Americans who work in southern Haiti with COFHED, a nonprofit organization engaged in long-term community-based development work. In the village of Lougou, they are focused on community development projects including a microcredit program and a construction project for a kindergarten. In 2018, Woodland helped raise $17,464 toward one of their construction projects. These donations … Read More 

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"I have found, in you, a place where the preached word profoundly resonates with my own recent journey of faith and has cemented a new way of thinking, I suppose like jigsaw pieces falling into place. I am grateful that a friend pointed me in your direction."

– Elaine, from the United Kingdom