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Grieving Together

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Grief. Lament. Sorrow. For two weeks we have explored these emotions during our Sunday services. Now we feel the weight of them even more as we mourn the killing of George Floyd. And for many in our community, feelings of anger, confusion and fear are now taking hold.

George Floyd was beloved by God, made in God’s image and infinitely valued — yet we witnessed the utter disregard for his infinite value and his humanity. So it is right and good that we stop what we are doing and hold space to honor him, to pour out our broken hearts and to take care of one another.

This weekend we will set aside the plans we had for our service in order to directly address this tragic injustice, the historic unrest that has gripped our community, and the evils in our society that are at work. As God’s people, we cannot ignore or be silent about such wrongdoing. We have a responsibility to offer the peace and hope found only in Jesus to those who hurt.

Until then, we encourage you to offer help to local businesses that have been damaged. Bring your own supplies/tools (brooms, shovels, trash bags, etc.) and make sure you get owners’ permission to help. We can bring a spirit of peace and offer much-needed help in this difficult time.

Please join us on Sunday as we hear from a diversity of voices, as we pray for George’s family and friends and for our community, as we try to make sense of this week of agony, and as we lament and grieve together.

Volunteer ministers from our Care Team will be available for prayer as well.

Update: Watch this service here


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