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Partner Organizations

Below is a list of resources on our web site related this ministry. Feel free to use the filter checkboxes to narrow your search and easily find what you are looking for.

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Communitas: Church on the Street

Communitas Twin Cities is a WH partner ministry that has worked for 13 years with homeless and impoverished residents in downtown St. Paul. Starting as a “church on the street,” they bring church life to people who rarely feel seen or loved. Read More 

Christmas Lights Fundraiser

This season during our Christmas Lights sermon series, we want to bless these ministries, who are already a light in communities – both near and far! Read More 

Salvation Army Toy Shop Recap

If you’ve been around the building at all this past week, you may have noticed cars lined up outside… and even more of a site, the Gathering Area transformed into what could be mistaken for Santa’s workshop!

One of our Seasonal Partnerships is with the Salvation Army Toy Shop, who distribute toys for children who may not otherwise receive a Christmas gift. Read More 

Rick’s Route: Volunteering with Open Arms

On Sundays, hundreds of people come in and out of Door A at Woodland Hills, but on Wednesdays, it’s a small band of people sitting outside the doors laughing and chatting. These are the volunteer drivers for Open Arms of Minnesota. Read More 

Sacred Settlement Grand Opening

In 2018, we began a partnership with Settled, an organization addressing long-term homelessness by creating tiny home communities called Sacred Settlements. And now, cue the champagne, because Settled has officially opened the first Sacred Settlement!  Read More 

Open Arms

Open Arms of Minnesota is a nonprofit organization that prepares and delivers nourishing meals free of charge to critically ill Minnesotans and their loved ones. Woodland Hills is a hub for volunteer drivers who meet each Wednesday at 11:30, to collect food and run delivery routes on the East side. If you would like to volunteer as a driver, contact … Read More 

Partner Profile: Coordinated Access to Housing and Shelter

We value our onsite partners and the ways they serve our community, so we wanted to introduce you to one of them—and share how we can learn from their example. Coordinated Access to Housing and Shelter (CAHS) is a partner organization assisting families experiencing homelessness in Ramsey County. Read More 

Blanket Drive

Catholic Charities Housing Stability Division, one of our on-site partners, is also involved with an emergency shelter for families experiencing homelessness. Each family member who comes to the shelter is provided with a blanket, and currently these are in very short supply. Our goal is to collect 100 new, full-size blankets/quilts in two weeks – and we did it, thanks to you! Read More 

Tiny Home Update: Common House

It’s been a minute since we gave you an update on Settled and the tiny home project, so here’s the latest! (If you need to get caught up on what this partnership is all about, you can do so here.) Read More 

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"I have been blessed by the messages I’ve heard, especially your teaching on Revelation. I sense the Holy Spirit’s presence and it has made a difference in my life. I’ve experienced some grief recently and the prayer in Ephesians has been a great help as I experience healing."

– Mary